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EMS Uniforms -- Rank & insignia

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Recently my volly squad has been looking at dressing up our uniform from a plain shirt with patches & dark pants to something more. While looking thru multiple catalouges & on line I have seen some nice uniforms that we can't afford. One item that caught my eye was the use of epaulettes thru out Canada. I am told this is also the case in the South & SW.

I have found many examples of the Canadian epaulettes. ALl are tasteful & nice, generally haveing the Canadaina flag over a caduceus and then some sort of rank for Lt., Capt. or the typical stripes for FD based EMS + the title of EMT or Paramedic.

I have seen only one US example, from LightHouse Uniforms, who makes the NAEMT uniform. There example is based on a Navy CWO insignia.

What I am looking for is ideas. We have badges & NYC recognition system, but those are more for parades & funerals than ecery day wear.

If you have ideas, links or other suggestions please post. I am not looking for discussion of the merrits of each uniform part; we all have opnions of them. This is to generate sources and possibly barrow some other persons great idea. Thanx in adavance.

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i agree EMS uniforms are generally boring, but this company has some really cool ideas for uniforms

there is an EMS uniform that starts out at $495.99, which is twice the amount we pay...but its nice to day dream!

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Why not spend the $495.99 on something more importaint then a fancy uniform. The job messy. Go with a practical, inexpensive uniform so when you have to replace it, it won't cost you $495.99

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Why not spend the $495.99 on something more importaint then a fancy uniform. The job messy. Go with a practical, inexpensive uniform so when you have to replace it, it won't cost you $495.99

Well said! Button down or polo, job shirt/jacket, duty boots, belt and your choice of blue uniform pants (straight leg, cargo) is all you need. Anything more is frivolous and too expensive to have a realistic replacement policy. A duty uniform is not going to buy EMS the respect it deserves. But, hey if you've got money to burn go for it...

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I have to agree...I wish my FD would follow suit with some others and let us get rid of our uniform shirts that we only wear on certain details based on policy.

Tactical 5.11 polo's. Short sleeve in summer, long sleeve in winter with nice embroidery of your patch or a logo on the chest with their name on the other side.

Uniforms look nice on the right people and if they are maintained properly and most aren't dry cleaning or pressing their uniforms themselves. Go with functional and common sense. Who needs them spruced up for each other to look at? I think you should look presentable, but professional can be without the use of a uniform shirt.

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Sorry, these were not ment to be work uniforms, more in the line of a dress uniform. We are looking for in expensive ways to dress up our current uniform.

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Without spending a decent amount of money, you are probably not going to be able to meet your goal. Uniforms are not cheap these days. I do see the need for a dress or class A type uniform in the EMS field. I designed a class A uniform for my agency a few years ago. We started off by purchasing these uniforms for our operational and administrative officers. Now, we buy a few of these uniforms every year and eventually all my members will have them.

The idea for a dress uniform came because I was tired of seeing EMS personnel look like crap among fire and police personnel. Our dress uniform is worn for wake and funeral services, memorial services or any other type of event that a dress uniform should be worn. Our Officers also wear their uniforms at our annual awards dinner. We have received many compliments on how nice our uniform looks and how professional it is.

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Hey Merlin there are a bunch of old uniforms in the laundry room at the station. All you gotta due is change the patches and get some of those non company issue ties. I'm sure no one will even notice. Hows that for a cheap alternative? :lol:

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