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Question for Admin Regarding Locked Topics

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I have a quick question about topics, yesterday i was following a topic about a young man who had been ejected from his vehicle even when he was wearing a seatbelt. People where posting constructive info and myself and I believe a few others posted questions about the topic. When I went back to check on it later in the day it had been closed. I don't kow what the reasons behind that were. What makes me ask why it was closed was I logged on tonight, I see a topic on FDNY sirens and why they do not run Q's. I bring up this example because it has been talked about in the past and answered, now I could care less about the status of Q's on FDNY rigs, but some people do and I respect that. What annoys me is that my question did not have an oppurtunity to be answered by somebody who knew the answer. So in short, I am begining to wonder why some topics get closed well others that I could care less about, and probably some other members on EMTbravo could care less about them too. So my main question is: What does the admin consider a constructive topic? is it just one that you (the admin) care about? because it pains me to say that it seems to be so.......

Yours most sincerly and respectfuly,

Kevin Eells

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I was a little surprised to see the thread closed as was constructive - no one was busting the kids chops...we all drive a little fast - especially me...

In fact I found it quite eye opening from a tactical stand point. I wonder how many out there take a car - remove the factory seat and replace it with an aftermarket racing style, but skimp on the bolts, which susbsequently fail in a collision?

I want to add that I am NOT saying I have info that this was the cause of the case mentioned, it was just a thought.

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I do not know why this topic was locked, especially without an explanation from the moderator. I do NOT agree that it should have been locked, I believe it may have been in error, or possibly requested by the topic starter.

This topic is reopened, it was a constructive topic, and I do apologize and will look into the issue. I'm angry about this for the same reasons as you.

However, there was no need to trash this forum, or insult other members topics especially without contacting me or giving me a chance to look into or explain the issue first.

And, I didn''t notice this thread until browsing through specific forums, especially since it was posted in the incorrect forum. So, next time PLEASE send me an email to so I can take care of the issue ASAP.

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