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Crystal Meth Labs: Can Be Found Anywhere

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Recently a major bust was made here in the Montrose area in a residential area for crystal meth. The home owner evidently was producing his own product within the residential structure.The house is an ordinary 1 family home similar to many throughout the northern Westchester "Bedroom" communities. As you might see here the point I am trying to make is that this can happen anywhere out there. Over the years seminars on this stuff have been available and meth labs have been spoken about in the classrooms in the fire academies. What hazards might we encounter with these labs? What products should we be aware of? I am sure many of the PD officers or haz mat guys can add more for us all to learn from. So- the forum is open!

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First and formost it will be treated as a crime scene, and then as a HAZMAT

situation. I know for the NYPD, we are instructed to not turn on or off any lights, burners, transmit radios. etc. Also VENT the room/ structure by opening windows. Do not enter, or if already inside leave immediately if there is an odor of bitter almonds. The NYPD also has a department chemist who is supposed to respond to the scene and assist ESU/HAZMAT operations.

Edited by grumpyff

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First and formost it will be treated as a crime scene, and then as a HAZMAT

situation. I know for the NYPD, we are instructed to not turn on or off any lights, burners, transmit radios. etc. Also VENT the room/ structure by opening windows. Do not enter, or if already inside leave immediately if there is an odor of bitter almonds. The NYPD also has a department chemist who is supposed to respond to the scene and assist ESU/HAZMAT operations.

OSHA has a pretty decent primer on emergency response ot Meth Labs....

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thanks medic,alot of info on that site.

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Scarey that this sort of thing can turn up in any neighborhood. Criminal activity as well as a very dangerous environment.

How would anyone possibly know that this would exist? Any tell tale signs to look for??

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Look for the usual drug activity. Cars leaving at different times, unusually skinny people at all hours. But dont expect the traditional 'drug addict' look. Many functioning drug addicts are Meth abusers. I would treat it as a HAZMAT scene before a crime scene, you have to protect yourself before anything, we as always take top priority. The chemicals in the lab are dangerous and extremely volatile. Many of the chemicals will be just left out in unprotected containers, so walking around is not recommended. The fires from these burn extremely fast. I have personally scene the end results of these fires out West and its amazing what they do.

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We were offered a class thru the local DEA office. It even provided us some coned hours for ems cert !!

Call your local DEA office.

Great class - alot to learn from them.

PS.. You are sorta sworn to secrecy about the class content. They are a bit protective about it. :-)

Edited by ldrco195

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What are the biggest threats to these sites? THE PERPS!!!

For every pound of Meth made it makes 6 pounds of waste. Keep an eye out for large amounts of it. You would be surprised how simple trash lying around in a garage is actually a meth lab. They aren't always organized and its not like a "lab" you would think of. There aren't very many beakers and such.

Most of the Meth produced by home cookers are for self and friends, not for major distribution. Meth lab seizures are down in the state. Tioga County is considered the Meth capital of NY. The kicker is why lab seizures are down Meth use in the Metro area seems to be on the rise. Mexico is a major importer of Meth and very little of it tends to be the crystalized form. Funny enough as big of a problem as it is in Hawaii, they find very few labs there, its all shipped in...mail, UPS you name it. It hasn't hit big here because crack cocaine is still cheap and abundant. Hopefully it will stay that way...Meth is known as the poor man's cocaine but is 100 times worse in effect to crime rates and to addicts then crack.

Hudson I have a contact in the DEA that does a very good lecture on the topic. I'm hoping to have him come in for a fire/ems lecture after the first of the year, I'll keep you posted.

Sworn to secrecy...I don't know about that. Everything you need to know including how to cook it is right on the internet. From the Nazi method, to Red P to the one pot method...its all there.

Edited by alsfirefighter

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DEA does have a special HAZMAT/tactical unit for this as well. They came to New Fairfield a few years back for a meth lab raid.

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ok Tommy. maybe the persons to be notified to have a heads up outlook might be our sanitation guys. I know that they see what is going on!

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Look for large amounts of sudafed the cold medication. Be on look out for booby traps in yard. I took this class about two years ago when the county had it

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You can only get SUDAFED from behind the counter at most pharmacies now ACROSS THE COUNTRY and your limitied to how many packs you buy.

Illegal laboratory conversion of Pseudoephedrine (PSE), the active ingredient in SUDAFED®, into methamphetamine has become a major worldwide concern.

As a responsible corporate citizen, we have been working in partnership with government, law enforcement and retailers to address the issue of continued consumer access to effective cold and sinus medicines.

That’s why we’ve reformulated a new Pseudoephedrine-free line of decongestants called SUDAFED PE®, which will be sold at the shelf. Ask a store employee where you can find the original SUDAFED® line. Like original SUDAFED®, SUDAFED PE® relieves your tough nasal and sinus congestion, and SUDAFED PE® contains the active ingredient Phenylephrine, which cannot be used to make methamphetamine.

As of September 30, 2006, original SUDAFED® and other medicines containing Pseudoephedrine will be placed “behind the counter,” however SUDAFED PE® will offer consumers a convenient “on the shelf” alternative.

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You're right Hudson. And as oneeye pointed out you basically have to have a note from your mother to get anything with pseudoephedrine in it. Problem is there are still international internet suppliers from Mexico (I love NAFTA) that still supply it by the boat load when ordered.

You will be hard pressed to find a meth lab with booby traps and such. They've gotten smart and don't want attention. Some of the older classes I've come to find as I've taken more advanced classes in my work capacity, tended to sensationalize certain things.

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In the brief lecture we received on Meth labs, the big concern was the emergence of vehicle based labs. Thanks to population density home based labs and labs hidden away in the woods are tough in the 5 boroughs making the trunk of a car much more attractive.

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