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Beacon man fends off rabid fox with bread loaf

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Beacon man fends off rabid fox with bread loaf; see video

BEACON – A Beacon man fended off a rabid fox with a loaf of sliced bread Wednesday, after the animal ran out from under his pick-up truck and attacked his leg.

Gary Kemp had just arrived back at his home in the Oak Meadow mobile home park, when he was greeted by the terminally ill intruder.

“The fox was hiding underneath the Bronco, and he came out and charged out at me, and started making this weeping noise as he was charging,” Kemp said.

The gray fox attacked his legs, and Kemp beat the fox with a loaf of bread until it ran away.

Kemp's home security system captured the attack on video tape.

While Kemp was showering, a neighbor was attacked and beat it with a black top rake and then had to run it over repeatedly with a Lincoln Continental until it died.

The fox was tested positive for rabies by the Dutchess County Department of Health.

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the greatest thing since sliced bread is in fact sliced bread! :lol:

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Gotta love the fact that the guy has a security camera for his mobile home. Great video. He is very lucky the fox didn't put up more of a fight. That could have been messy

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