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Do-It-Yourself Fire Crew Saves California Neighborhood

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Interesting story. I wonder if this is a good thing, or this guy is giving a false sense of security by not having the proper training or it just luck he hasn't been injured or worse doing this yet? Anyways, if he risked his life and equipped himself to save his neighbor's homes, then that is commendable in a wierd sort of way.

Do-It-Yourself Fire Crew Saves California Neighborhood


BOB POOL, Los Angeles Times

Christian Science Monitor

Mr. Haines's 31-year-old pumper truck and tanker truck of similar vintage helped a do-it-yourself fire brigade save a dozen homes as flames encircled their El Nido neighborhood.

As Haines sprayed water on homes on both sides of Sequit Drive, his neighbors used their own hoses to extinguish burning embers that rained from the sky and to douse shrubs and fencing as they caught fire. As it fought the blaze, the crew could see four homes fully engulfed on Sea Breeze Drive above them.

FULL STORY:;sectionId=4

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  x635 said:
Anyways, if he risked his life and equipped himself to save his neighbor's homes, then that is commendable in a wierd sort of way.

Haha, agreed!

Now THAT is taking buffing to a whole new level!!!

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In a perfect world, it shouldn't have come to this. In a perfect world there'd be an engine with a crew of six on every corner. But if people are going to build their homes in hazardous locations, I think it's refreshing that they owned up and took responsibility.

This guy had the ways, the means and the initiative; kudos for saving his and his neighbors homes. Hey, I've never complained when the cook has the presence of mind to put the cover back on the burning pot of oil either, saving us the bother of a kitchen fire. Same for the people who put the trash can fire out with their kitchen dry chem. Sure they could get hurt, but they could also break their necks running down the stairs to evacuate.

As long as they weren't throwing SCUBA tanks and dive masks on and going in for their cats and dogs, I don't have an issue with this. Otherwise, I guess he'd be another one of the peanut gallery sitting on a pile of rubble B***ing about some trumped up accusations about the FD while applying for FEMA money to rebuild the same house in the same hazard area.

But I guess the days of people taking personal responsibility for protecting their own are over. It's a lot easier to expect government to save the day and have the opportunity to whine when their riddiculous expectations aren't met.

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I agree, as long as he confined himself to exterior attacks/wetdowns he took a load of the goverment and saved quite a few liveliehoods in the process. Kudos for ingenuity and courage!

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If I lived in that type of area, I'd have a gasolien/diesel pump hooked to my swimming pool ( a very large swimming pool with lots and lots of water ) and a pre-piped system around my house and on the house that would deluge my property with water.

As was stated above, in a perfect world there would be more then enough manpower and equpment. With that said and living in the REAL world when "THE BIG ONE " hits joe citizen might have to step up and assist. It seams that "THE ONES " are getting bigger and bigger every year. There might not be as many as in the past, but there sure seems to be more complexed and involved incidents.

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Over here in Australia we encourage people to have their own gear, most don't go to the extreme of having their own engine and tanker , but a lot have 10,000 gallon plus water tanks and pumps and hoses, our chief (our department is a state department with 430 stations) has said truthfully, we can't be everywhere, we can't stick a truck at every house, you either plan to stay and defend your property, or if you don't feel you are up to protecting your property, go early and evacuate. Thats not to say we won't do our best to work to save your properties, but when you talking fires of the size they are getting in Calafornia, there is not a lot you can do.

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