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Any other HO Model Train Guys Out There?

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My son got me into trains a bit, and while we are FAR from expert model railroaders, we have alot of fun. In fact we recently graduated from GeoTrax to HO models.

I started a train table for him in a small corner of my basement, with a 4 x 8 sheet of wood. That grew to another 4 x 8 sheet in an L-shape, with cutouts for him.

I bought a mess of stuff at the train show in Poughkeepsie, engines, track, a controller - with sound!, cars, etc...we tacked the track down and so far - so good...large fun.

I want to get him more stuff for Christmas, a smaller set to put in the middle of our current layout. I lucked out and found one online, complete with a figure 8 and elevation...pretty cool...not bad for 50 bucks!

Here is a pic of the train table, behind my super buff, 5 y/o City of Poughkeepsie Tower Ladder Lieutenant and his Pirate friend..

Any one else have a layout they can share - I am looking for ideas for scenery, etc...NO doubt we will have several buildings on fire in town!



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My dad was big into the larger scale stuff. The trains had 3 rails. I don't know what gauge that would be.

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When i was a kid, my dad put two sheets of plywood together on horses and that was my trainscape. I always wanted to incorporate a loop around the room but we never got around to it. For scenery, my parents would buy the hobby shop grass and trees, also used dirt and sand from the backyard. All you gotta do is get some elmers spray adhesive, sprinkle that stuff down let it set for an hour or two then blow off the excess. They also sold trees and houses, etc. I think for water we used some shiny thin blue plastic that we cut however we felt. Popsicle sticks also make good fence or roof material. Best of luck.

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When I have the room, I'd love to build an HO layout. I'm really into trains and wish I had more room here for a layout. For now, I can only drool over the Walthers catalog.

My father built me a couple (both HO and LGB) when I was a kid, they were awesome.

A few guys in my firehouse are into model railroading, they always make a trip to the Springfield, MA Train show at the "Big E" every year. I hope that I can make it up this year, I hear it's awesome.

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I still have mt Lionel O scale trains and also my uncle's American Flyer O Scale circa 1958 set which I'm giving back to him.

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My dad had a model train set but some of the equipment broke.

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I've got my dad's "O" scale trains beginning from 1940's. All steel construction, the oldest locomotive must weigh 15lbs.

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I've been working on a HO scale railroad for a few months now. It's been a nice escape from work and everything else, but it's also a challenge, you get an idea of what you want to do, but then you make a small change to one part and then next thing you know you're redoing everything. A friend from the firehouse who is very much into trains and model railroading just laughs and reminds me that a model railroad is never finished and is always a work in progress. Never the less, its been very rewarding and it is always a great escape when you need one.

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When I have the room, I'd love to build an HO layout. I'm really into trains and wish I had more room here for a layout. For now, I can only drool over the Walthers catalog.

My father built me a couple (both HO and LGB) when I was a kid, they were awesome.

A few guys in my firehouse are into model railroading, they always make a trip to the Springfield, MA Train show at the "Big E" every year. I hope that I can make it up this year, I hear it's awesome.

Seth - remind me about this! It's not a bad ride and sounds like something we would really like! I go there each year for a World Championship Archery Qualifier so it's easy enough to get too!

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My mom got rid of all my dad's stuff after he passed away. I should have kept it. Or at least sold it to someone who would be more appreciative of it.

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I just got a shipment in today from eBay - made out very well....2 vintage Santa Fe a dummy to match one we already have....$20 TMD!

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hey X635.

The Train AND fire show at the Big E are AMAZING!!

they even had one layout.. with a black cloak over it (nightime effect) with a "working structure fire", complete with flickering fire, and engine and ladder companies.!

its truly amazing

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