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Firehouse Nightmares?

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Now, with the TV writers strike, this is probaly the best time to pitch this idea for a TV show.

I know several of you have been watching "Kitchen Nightmares" on Fox, where world-renowned Chef Gordon Ramsay takes a failing resturant, and turns it around. Resturants go from having digusting food and reputations, and very little clientele, to bustling resturants with great food (and sometimes cleaner kitchens) once Chef Ramsay is done.

I'd be interested to see an FD twist on it. I'm sure there are many firehouses that can identify with the similar troubles that the resturants are having, albeit on a firematic scale.

It'd be great if they took a team of fire service experts, went into a firehouse, and turned things around. I, myself, know there are many FD's throughout the area suffering from numerous internal personal conflicts, training and staffing issues, etc. It would be fun to put it iinto perspective

But, since every FD is "perfect" (note sarcasm), I don't think anyone would have an open mind enough to invite the show in. However, I'd find it quite fascinating. Plus, I don't think any FD would want that kind of publicity. But it may make a fun idea for a series of training DVD's.

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Interesting idea...Hell I would even volunteer to be the guinea pig and let them come to my dept. They would have a field day!! :lol:

Why not, there are reality shows for EVERYTHING now anyway, why not the fire service too. Besides, Im tired of seeing corny stuff like "worlds next top model" , "Apprentice" , "Top Chef" , "Next Top Interior decorator" (????) :huh:

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Great idea .I am sure we all have great stories

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Good idea but I think it would scare some people. Unlike a restaurant a fire department has to deal with life or death. If a restaurant have below par service it goes out of business. If a FD has bad service people can die. It would shock people to how bad some departments really are and I think cause more harm then good for the publics thoughts on their local fire dept. The people don't care to know that you are understaffed or have degrading equipment until they need it sad that is the way it is.

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