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Required NFPA 1582 Physicals

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Does your dept require you to take the dept physical? have they started out on the right foot and then dropped the ball? What happens if you are hurt and you have not been cleared by a medical Dr to perform the task as a firefighter?

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Does your dept require you to take the dept physical? have they started out on the right foot and then dropped the ball? What happens if you are hurt and you have not been cleared by a medical Dr to perform the task as a firefighter?

No, Yes, Good question - I don't know. We are strongly encouraged to take medicals, but nothing happens if you don't. The department has several hundred 'active' members - less than a hundred take the physical.

My old dept upstate would take you 'offline' if you did not have your annual physical and other mandatory items (mainly OSHA refresher and infectious diseases refresher). Being offline, still meant that life active members were active (reflecting their previous service), however they couldn't attend a fire scene or do any training other than that required to be back 'online'.

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My department requires an annual physical. The first one by the dpartment doctor then after you can go to your own but the doctor must fill out and sign the NFPA 1582 forms.

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There was a presentation at the Fire Districts Association Conference over the weekend on physicals and it was standing room only. The Doc told the Districts that they should only be accepting physicals from their Doctor and everyone should be annual (including exteriors and Fire Police). The reason for the District Doctor was that he/she works for the District and should know NFPA 1582. A personal physician works for the patient so it would be unlikely that they would want to "lose a customer".

During Beekman's LODD PESH investigation, the physical paperwork was the first thing they asked for.

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