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Another Firehouse Voted Down

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And this surprises you? Taxes are soaring out of control at every level of government but unfortunately fire and some school budgets are the only ones where voters can immediately and directly "voice" their dissatisfaction. Next week we'll probably see more of the disgust on Election Day but for some strange reason incumbents who tax, tax, tax still get voted back into office.

As for this particular example - the hamlet of "Rock Hill" is only 4.6 square miles with a population of 1,056 people in 439 households (US Census). The median income is about 53,000 per year so it's not the most affluent community around.

7.5 million dollars is a big bond to float in such a small community. The article doesn't mention what volume the FD responds to so it's hard to judge but it certainly isn't a very big district. OK, according to the FD's website they do about 200-225 calls a year. And they need a seventh bay on their firehouse?

This is not a slam on Rock Hill, it's membership or anyone else. It is merely an observation.

Edited by Chris192

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That sounds like a huge house!!! How many rigs do they have?

"social hall and ball fields" They may want to re-word that part.

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From what I saw on their website, they seem to have one engine, one tanker, two heavy rescues, and a utility type pick-up truck with trailered boat (a Zodiac, I think). They say there's another utility and boat coming too.

Anyone more familiar with the apparatus?

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I'm pretty famailar with the town... not the FD. They do have a lot of lakes in the area that i'm sure they get calls for here and there. It's also more of a rural area...

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4.6 square miles, 200-225 calls a year and 2 (count um') 2 heavy rescues. Wow! I'd say that's a bit much, I'm suprised the tax payers let that one slide. :o What's next a helicopter? 7 bays and a heliport for the new house, vote yes!!

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In the article they said they are going to educate the public and try again with the same plan in the future. Look at the average station that FDNY operates out they need HUGE social halls and baseball fields? Taxes in local communities are totally out of control, spending is up accross the board...and they say they NEED this new fire station? I have no doubt their station may be cramped, so put an addition onto the building, put up an additional reasonable building similar to Peekskill's Station behind the Beech Shopping Center or Verplanck's building by the red school house. Asking for all they wanted, betrays public trust. Down the road, when they need a new first line engine because's bottom rusted out and the pump is held in place by duct tape...they will go to the voters who will say MAKE DUE!

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120 yes votes? They are either members or non taxpayers, it breaks down to almost 7 million per bay, ballfields,social halls, give me a break. Build some detached garages or outbuildings for other equipment and make due.The sad part is this will eventually go through and the numbers do not justify it. Companys that do 3 to 4 thousand runs a year are working with much less.

Edited by DOC22

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I agree that for the tax base is probably too much but I must defend them on what they have and their run volume. They are right off NY 17 and are on the highway all the time which is probably a burden for such a small community. Departments should look at the examples of departments that built affordable structures.

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I agree that for the tax base is probably too much but I must defend them on what they have and their run volume. They are right off NY 17 and are on the highway all the time which is probably a burden for such a small community. Departments should look at the examples of departments that built affordable structures.

On what do you base this statement? The City of Yonkers has ONE heavy rescue and covers 10 times the geography plus interstate highways and parkways and a commuter railroad. The New Rochelle FD has ONE heavy rescue and covers I-95 and many other major roadways and railways. FDNY runs only FIVE heavy rescues in a city of 9 million.

Please explain to me how a 4.6 square mile district - covering just a few miles of a state highway - and responding to a call every other day warrants two heavy rescues and a 7.5 million dollar station with "social hall"?

If it is too much for the tax base, it is irresponsible to propose such a building. I gotta go with the other posts on here - build a shed for storage and go to the VFW, bingo hall, church, or a diner to 'socialize'.

A taxpayer revolt is gonna happen one of these days and we're all gonna face an austerity budget!

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Bottom line is, as said above- taxes are out of control and things like this will probably become more frequent as each and every part of Gov't comes under scrutiny.

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Bottom line is, as said above- taxes are out of control and things like this will probably become more frequent as each and every part of Gov't comes under scrutiny.

I think its slightly beyond that. Yes, taxes are up but regardless of this no institution that takes public money should be liberal about how they allocate it, even in prosperous economic times. Fact is, a large majority of agencies run more calls in a day than they do in a week or month. Yet, many make due with proportionally fewer resources. Now, i know no one wants to say no to the volunteer fire department, but come on people. Is it the tax payers responsibility to fund the extracurricular activities or apparatus desires of a group of volunteer firefighters? No.

Edited by Goose

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Yes it is a lot of money. They do run some nasty calls. They also have a long wait for mutual aid to get to most of their scenes. Does it justify 7 million? I don't think so. But I believe they also cover more than what was posted here from the census. I think if they can cut out 5 mil. they might have a better chance. They could also be playing the field and putting an huge figure out their with the idea if it gets voted down they would take stuff out to lower the price and have a better chance of it passing. (I know that's a stretch)

Anyway I'm sure they need room and want the place to look nice and not throw up butler buildings to patch a problem. They probably also have problems with the current building and may not be able to add on.

Bottom line is we need more facts to understand why they need 7 mil.

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