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Manhattan- 2nd Alarm/10-60 Building Collapse 10/27/07

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Date: 10-27-07

Time: 1950hrs

Box: 615

Location: 25 W. 24th St. X Broadway

Area: Chelsea

First Due: E-3/L-12/B-7

Description: Interior collapse of a 5-story brick MD.

Writer: Truck4

1954hrs- B-7 rpts confirmed building collapse. NYPD ESU Truck 1 units O/S. Additional ESU, TARU, K-9, Aviation responding.

Report Of Building Collapse: E-3, 1; L-24, 12 FAST; B-7; R-1; Sq-18; L-25/Rescue Collapse #1

Report Of Major Collapse: E-26, 16; L-7; R-4; L-116/Rescue Collapse #4; SOC Support Unit, SOC Compressor Unit, Rescue B/C, Safety B/C, Haz Mat B/C

1956hrs- B-7 transmitting 10-60/2nd Alarm for collapse of a 4-brick 25X40 vacant MD.

10-60/2nd Alarm: E-14, 5, 34, 65, 9/S-1; Sq-1/TRV; B-9, 8, 6 (Safety), 2 (RUL); Div. 1, 3; RAC #1

1959hrs- S/C Engine and B/C.

S/C E-33/B-45

2001hrs- B-7 rpts interior pancake collapse of the 2nd through 5th floors of a 5-brick 25 X 50. Searches underway. Unknown if any occupants. S/C new FAST.

S/C: L-21

2004hrs- S/C Haz Mat #1, L-1 (SOC Support), E-93/Mobile Command #2

2015hrs- S/C B/C for Staging and Air Recon B/C. Staging area is 5th Ave X Madison Square.

S/C: B-32 (Staging), B-58 (Air Recon)

2020hrs- Car 6 rpts front and rear walls are standing and unstable. D/W/H.

2030hrs- S/C extra Tower Ladder.

S/C: L-18

2039hrs- Car 6 rpts searches being conducted from the exterior. Pri (-) in Exposure #2 and #4.

2103hrs- Car 6 rpts condition remains unchanged. Building engineers are O/S.

2155hrs- Car 6 rpts Building Engineers have determined that the structure needs to be demolished.

2212hrs- Car 6 S/C (2) Engines, (3) Trucks, (2) B/C's for relief.

S/C: E-23, 21; L-8, 13, 15 FAST; B-1, 28

2250hrs- P/W/H.

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