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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers - Multiple Stabbings - 10-21-07

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Time:1947 & 2037

Location: R/O 8 Schroeder street & 310 South Broadway

Frequency: YPD / Empress

Units Operating: ESU T-4,T-3,T-2,851 ESU Sgt., 3rd Pct Units , 4th Pct Units, Housing Units, 900, 300,400,CIU, Detective Division, YFD TL-71, Empress Paramedics

Description Of Incident: Report of a large crowd with a fight R/O 8 Schroeder Street, then updated too opposite 55 Palisade Avenue, patrol units reporting female stabbed in the neck requesting ESU and Empress to expedite. Victim treated and transported to Jacobi Medical center in serious condition. One female suspect in custody by Housing units. Evidence search in progress by ESU. Second incident a male hispanic stabbed in the abdomen and the back, F/O 310 South Broadway. ESU and Empress Paramedics on scene treating the victim and he was transported to Jacobi medical center conscious and in serious condition. Crime scene established. YPD Detectives on scene investigating both incidents.

Writer: Toybuff911

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