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Where Do You Keep That Backboard?

6 posts in this topic

I'm just curious, on your fire apparatus, particularly your engine, if you carry one, where do you place you backboard?

I've noticed many agencies carry it very loosely in the hosebed, thrown over the pump compartment, or stuck behind the ground ladders.

Now, maybe it's just me, but I thought the backboard was a medical device? It should be kept as clean as possible, especially when you consider the patient you place on it may have open wounds. Now, combine that with the road salt and all the other debris that accumulates on the backboard, I don't think that would help the patient. Although EMS is not a clean job, we need to do all we can to keep our patients clean, something that's often overlooked.

I'm not saying there needs to be a backboard compartment on every engine, but at least keep the backboard in a bag or plastic or something.

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Interesting topic, Seth. This reminds me of the lax attitude towards leaving an O2 cascade outlet on the floor - its a medical gas (aka medication) we don't throw our gauze pads, ET tubes or IV catheters on the floor or at the bottom of our jump bag. While post injury infection isn't our primary concern, everyone in the public safety continuum should do their best to maintain clean material and practices.

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In FDNY only some rigs have a compartment for the board..

Most have them laying in the hosebed, on top of the ladder or on top with the deckgun.

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Fairview's new 41-11 has a compartment directly behind the cab specifically for the backboards

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got the boards in black 55 gallon garbage bags one on each end, located on top of the ladders in side its rear compartment

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The only two apparatus of ours carrying boards is the Rescue and Fire Boat. They are stored in a tranverse compartment on R18 and it is a folding board located on M12.

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