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REHAB Supplies

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I was looking for web pages and areas that sell chairs with the arm-rest open for ice for the Ambulance Corp. REHAB van. If any one know of a place or the best kind of chairs to do the job.

Also to see what firefighters look for when they go to rehab when on a call.


Any help it would be great

Thank You


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Water, mister fans, Gatorade, regular fans, blankets, towels, coffee, hot water for tea and hot chocolate.

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Tom Tom,

Go here:

Kore Kooler Reahb Chairs by Morning Pride

Actual product info:

Great Site I came across a while ago:

One suggestion I'd make that I did when I was 8812 and have tried with the FD to no avail - invest in a device to monitor a firefighter's carboxyhemoglobin levels. One of the best ones I have researched is the Masimo RAD-57 unit.

Here is info on the Masimo RAD-57.

Remember Tom, if you need anything from me just shoot me an e-mail or call me. I have SOGs we created for the FD and I worked on for the VAC. I'm always happy to help.

Edited by Remember585

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We have the misting fans. They are great! We are also doing a rehab unit. Another idea we were given was power bars or granola bars.

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I am the assistant chief of the Pompiers Auxiliaires de Montreal. We are the rehab organization serving the Montreal Fire Dept. (2300 firefighters). We run 2 canteen style rehab vehicles and a first aid vehicle. In the winter its gatorade, hot chocolate, soup, coffee and biscuits. In the summer its gatorade, ice water and biscuits. We also have food supplement bars that are used by athletes (marathoners etc). On demand (long running haz mat or rescue operations )we make sandwiches for the specialty units that do not rotate in and out. In the summer we have shade tents, portable showers ( we hook up to a hydrant or a pumper truck). We have built our own misting fans using readily available materials from Home Depot. We plug them into a generator and the water is from the hydrant or pumper along with the showers. We also rovidefirst aid and carry and use pulse/oxygen meters to monitor the firefighters.

Mark Bindman

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Irish...glad to see after the class that you guys are going to look into getting the Kore Kooler chairs. They are more efficient and more effective then just using the mister fans.

KelliPVAC....not a bad thought on the bars depending on what is occurring by those you will give them too. I would suggest staying away from certain types of power bars. For one many don't taste that good and second many cause a rapid energy crash once they digest through the system.

I have an Emergency Incident Rehabilitation class I wrote and deliver, if anyone is interested or wants more info, PM me. Irish has sat in the class he can give you insight to how it was also.

2 of the most important functions that can be done for any responder at incidents of physical activity is hydration (if using sports drinks...cut in 1/2 with water) and medical monitoring (pulse, BP).

Edited by alsfirefighter

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Tommy I Enjoyed your class I have learned alot expectly for the REHAB Van 8805 and Firefighter saftey. (EVERYONE GOES HOME)

Thanks for the info Looking to expand the VAN for everyone use in Westchester County and Puntam County if needed.

If you have more info please post

Thanks again

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We are still a long way from proper rehab down here, but I was wondering if any depts monitor body temp?

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Party....most info you find on rehab falls more on medical monitoring of vital signs then of body temp. You can always get a temperature down but doesn't mean the body still isn't under critical stress.

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hey als,

i heard u gave a good class i was wondering if your going to do one again sometime soon?

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