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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers - RMP accident 10-11-07

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Location: Van Cortlandt Park Avenue & Pelton Park

Frequency: YPD/ YFD / Empress

Units Operating: YPD 3rd pct units / ESU T-3,T-2,T-4, ESU 848, 900, 300, CIU , YFD E-304,L-74 B-1, Empress paramedic supervisor and ambulance, A&J towing, YKS DPW

Description Of Incident: R/C traveling up Van Cortlandt Park Ave loses control on very slippery pavement and crashes through a fence and gets wedged in between two trees 10 feet in the air hanging over a rock wall into Pelton Park. 3rd pct units on scene requesting ESU W/rush. T-3 on scene advising other ESU units to expedite and t-4 to go into Pelton park for further vehicle stabilization. ESU units stabilizing the police car with winches and chains and j-hooks. A large section of fence was removed from around vehicle and the officer was then able to self extricate. The officer suffered minor injuries and was tranported to St Johns hospital via empress paramedics for treatment. YKS DPW on scene with a sander due to extremely slippery pavement. CIU on scene taking photographs. A&J towing on scene removing vehicle. YFD E-304 standing by with a charge hose line while vehicle is being lifted.

Writer: Toybuff911

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