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Volunteer Firefighters Accused of Vandalism....

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Police Say Jaws Of Life Used In Vandalism

Volunteer Firefighters Accused

POSTED: 7:47 am EDT September 27, 2007

UPDATED: 8:50 am EDT September 27, 2007

BERLIN, Vt. -- Some volunteer firefighters in Vermont have been accused of using Jaws of Life during a vandalism spree, WPTZ-TV in in Plattsburgh, N.Y., reported.

Firefighters usually use the tool to help victims of serious car crashes escape the mangled wreckage.

Police in Berlin said Howard Silk, 23; John Silk, 20; Shawn Silk, 20; and Matthew Squires, 23; all Berlin volunteer firefighters, stole and damaged public property around central Vermont with the Jaws of Life during what police think might have been a scavenger hunt brought on by a dare.

Police said the four started the spree at the Berlin Mall and Central Vermont Hospital, pulling hubcaps and windshield wipers from cars. The four then headed to the Montpelier park and the town of Northfield, damaging pay phones and stealing street signs, police said.

Police said they got a break in the case in mid-September when someone came forward with information into the case, including that the vandalism may have been part of a dare.

Police said they aren't sure who dared the four, and the Berlin Fire Department said it never had any involvement in the crime nor did it know the equipment had been used.

So far, the crimes are only misdemeanors, but they could turn into felonies depending on the total damage, the television station reported.

If they did vandalize then they are morons. But how in the HELL do they think these used the jaws? I mean you think that they would have notice four knuckleheads carrying that around? Maybe with a generator? Or the hand pump?

In my opinion this is just another attempt by the media to sensationalize a story......

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Burlington Free Press:

Police say fire department tools used in crimes

Published: Thursday, September 27, 2007

Free Press Staff Report

BERLIN -- Four members of the Berlin Fire Department used fire department equipment in Washington County to steal road signs and spray paint road signs and other items, Berlin police said.

Barre residents Howard Silk, 23; Shawn Silk, 20; John Silk, 20; and Matthew Squires, 23, were issued citations this week to appear in Vermont District Court in Barre.

Police said the four men stole road signs, including street signs and handicapped parking signs. They also allegedly damaged pay phones, removed windshield wiper blades from vehicles, and spray-painted road signs and other items.

Berlin Fire Department officials said they were not aware that the department's equipment was used in the crime spree.

"The fire chief, the president of the corporation and the department as a whole did not give approval and had no knowledge that our equipment was used," Fire Department corporation President Scott Bagg wrote in a news release. "Our policy is that any use of apparatus or equipment, outside the needs of a en emergency response or corporation activity, needs to have the approval of the fire chief first."

Bagg said the four men allegedly used the electric-powered "Jaws of Life" to commit the thefts.

"We, as the family of the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department, are saddened and disappointed that this occurred," Bagg said. "Some of these individuals have been very active firefighters for many years. Their family is a key component of our organization, and we are frustrated that these individuals could have tarnished the department's name in the Berlin community."

The case is under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call Officer Gowans at the Berlin Police Department at 223-4400.

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I stand corrected.

The aforementioned parties involved are then morons, that give a bad name to all volunteers

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Bunch of kids with too much time on thier hand..or should I say may have alot if time hanging on thier hands...idiots !!!

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WOW...a new level of stupidity! All four were either 20 years old or older, when do we grow up gentlemen? I've heard people doing all sorts of stupid things, but this takes the cake! Using emergency equipment to commit crimes...brillient!

They all should be suspended from the fire department for life & never be allowed to join any other organization! They should also be charged to the fullest extent of the law.


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Why do you need a Jaws tool to remove wipers and hubcaps?

I never had to!!!!!


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well it makes all volunteers look sure this does not help in recruting new memembers for any dept.

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