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Sources: Staged cyber attack reveals vulnerability in power grid

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I agree with freedom of speech and I am willing to fight and die for it, but I also agree with "need to know". I think this falls under need to know what do you all think. Even though the classified info was left out, did anyone really need to know this info. I am thinking more of terroist. I think the press should at times keep their mouths shut on national security issues. What do all of you think?

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I agree with freedom of speech and I am willing to fight and die for it, but I also agree with "need to know". I think this falls under need to know what do you all think. Even though the classified info was left out, did anyone really need to know this info. I am thinking more of terroist. I think the press should at times keep their mouths shut on national security issues. What do all of you think?

Very good question. This is a tough one. While we do have a right to know I also feel in the interest of our security perhaps not knowing certain things is to our benefit. I also think this just adds to fear and makes people more paranoid, especially our kids.

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From the article:

Computer experts have long warned of the vulnerability of cyber attacks, and many say the government is not devoting enough money or attention to the matter.

"We need to get on it, and get on it quickly," said former CIA Director James Woolsey on Tuesday.

Perhaps this is most telling. I read about this kind of thing 5+ years ago, vulnerabilities of and hacking of SCADA - but now it's been proven the former CIA Director says we better do something about it now ...... ;)

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Why is this even in the news?? What has become of the idea of operations security?? There are cetain things that the public does not need to know, and I for one am tired of the media undermining the safety and security of my country. The public does have a right to know, but do they truly have a NEED to know??

Edited by RescueKujo

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The People do not need to know about power plant, pipeline, water supply or other critical infrastructure weaknesses.

While there is a very remote chance a terrorist group could cause a disruption, I feel it's unlikely.

What it really takes would be 'an insider', it could be a terrorist mole, or even disgruntled operations employee with access to any of those systems operating controls, to be able to do "the deed".

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