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Los Angeles/Riverside County Apparatus Photos

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A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be part of a highly successful photo trip in conjuction with the Fire and Cop Shop Open House. A great time on Friday on a photo tour of Eastern Operations area of the Los Angeles County Fire Department, then a tour of Riverside County area facilities on Saturday. Thanks to everyone I was with those 2 days.

On Sunday, after breakfast I took off looking for a couple of safety fair/open houses in the northeast LA County region. I missed one, as I got into the area after they shut down, but got a few more photos in Claremont and then South Pasadena.

With the fire in Big Bear, I headed for the air tanker base in San Bernardino. I got a lot of good shots both of the base personnel loading the planes and planes in the air.

Photos have been loaded into the following albums at my Photobucket site.

Los Angeles County Fire Department

Los Angeles County Fire Department Air Operations

Orange County Area Fire Apparatus

Hemet Fire Department

Riverside County Fire Department

Police Vehicles

Classic Police Vehicles

California Department of Forestry Apparatus

Verdugo Dispatched Agencies

Pasadena Fire Department

Firefighting Aircraft

California Department of Forestry Aircraft



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