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Monitoring Equipment Used At Sept 16 Patriots Game

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On Sept. 16 of 2007,the N.F.L had some equipment at the New England Patriots game at Gillete Field. It was being used to monitor the radio commucations. They said that it was here because of the spy scandal involving the spying on the New York Jets. They looked like giant police scanners. Can any one shed some light on this?

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I think it said on it radiocomm.

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Unless things changes, usually you will see coaches on the sidelines wearing radio headsets where they can communicate with thier guys in the booth. Generally the frequencies used to do this aren't scrambled and can be found surfing the web.

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but this had something to do with the the pats spying on the jets.from what the annoucer said when the camera showed it,they said this was the nfl not being used for the team commucation.but to moniter them.

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While I don't know of any radio communication issues, the Pats and Bill Belichick were fined a total of $750,000 for video taping the NY Jets signals during September 9th's game at Giants stadium. In addition, they will lose draft picks in 2008 based on how they finish for the season.

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The NFL and the teams use a customized version the Telex RadioCom series of encrypted wireless intercoms. It sounds like you are talking about one of the base units. The NFL may have decided that they want to listen to the intercom circuits too now.

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That was the plan. They want to hear if there is an obvious "guess" made that occurs on every play. The Patriots were caught cheating. They were videotaping the signals and associating them with the plays being time they see that signal, they were able to relay by intercom/radio to the field in order to appropriately line up the defense/offense to "guess" what was about to happen. The NFL was listening to both sides play callers in the booth to see if they coincidentally were changing plays after something was done. This is a check and balance approach. As was said, teams use encrypted systems so that the other teams cannot steal their plays and vice versa. As a result, the Pats were forced to video tape and use people to figure out what signals meant what based on the play following the them an unfair edge.

Why does everyone need to cheat these days? Baseball - Steroid probe Basketball - Gambling/Point Shaving Football - Video taping/resultant play calling

Kind of sucks that people stoop to this level to get ahead instead of old fashioned hard work!

Edited by Oswegowind

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Surely Oswego, you jest. Remember, The grand coach Mr. Billichick stated it was just a misinterpretation of the rules :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Billichick stated it was just a misinterpretation of the rules :rolleyes::rolleyes:

LOL, yeah, ok.

Now he's $500,000 poorer.

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thanks for the information.i maybe pats fan even after all this.what bill did was wrong.

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LOL, yeah, ok.

Now he's $500,000 poorer.

I wish I had $500,000 to give someone...

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are the intercom circuts also wireless.what about the telephones at the side lines they look like hard wred phones,can the nfl also moniter them??

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id find that 500,000 very helpful

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Anything and everything can be monitored...just have to have the right tools...Microwave and all those good things...You should research "spy" goods.

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Jets ticket holder sues Patriots, Belichick

Class action suit for 'deceiving customers' seeks damages of $184 million

NEW YORK - A New York Jets season-ticket holder filed a class-action lawsuit Friday against the New England Patriots and coach Bill Belichick for “deceiving customers.”

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Newark, N.J., by Carl Mayer of Princeton Township, N.J., stems from the Patriots being caught illegally videotaping signals from Jets coaches in New England’s 38-14 season-opening win Sept. 9.

“They violated the integrity of the game,” Mayer’s attorney, Bruce Afran, told The Associated Press. “This is a way of punishing Belichick and the Patriots.”

Mayer is seeking more than $184 million in damages for Jets ticket holders.

Belichick was fined $500,000 by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, and the team was fined $250,000 for violating a league rule that prohibits clubs from using a video camera on the sidelines for any purpose — including recording signals relayed to opposing players on the field. New England also must forfeit a first-round draft pick next year if it makes the playoffs or a second- and third-rounder if it doesn’t.

“They were deceiving customers,” said the 48-year-old Mayer. “You can’t deceive customers.”

The lawsuit maintained that because other teams found illegal videotaping by the defendants, Jets ticket holders should be compensated for all games played in Giants Stadium between the Jets and Patriots since Belichick became head coach in 2000.

The two calculated that because customers paid $61.6 million to watch eight “fraudulent” games, they’re entitled to triple that amount — or $184.8 million — in compensation under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act and the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.

“How many times have the Patriots done this? We find it hard to believe they did it just once,” Mayer said. “We just want to get to the truth of the matter of what the Patriots did to the Jets. I think the ticket holders are genuinely concerned about it. This is a type of misrepresentation.”

Patriots spokesman Stacey James declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Mayer and Afran, who consider themselves public interest lawyers, have been thorns in the side of New Jersey politicians for years, filing lawsuits and demanding investigations to advance their grievances. They are well known in the state but generally have had little success in their causes.

Both have lost bids for elected offices, and Mayer once served as a presidential campaign adviser to Ralph Nader.

Their demand in March for a probe of Gov. Jon S. Corzine’s gifts to a former girlfriend was rejected by a federal prosecutor. In 2006, a judge vetoed their effort to block Corzine’s appointment of Rep. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., to fill the governor’s seat in the U.S. Senate.

They also failed to get a court to order a special election to replace Gov. James E. McGreevey when he resigned in 2004.

Now, they’re taking on the Patriots.

Their latest lawsuit asserted that the secret videotaping violated the contractual “expectations and rights” of Jets ticket holders “to observe an honest match played in compliance with all laws and regulations.”

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I'm gonna start using 2 tin cans and a string to talk to people.

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well that lawsuit sounds like someone just tring to make fast buck.

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I disagree, the lawsuit here is not frivolous. The fans expect to see a game in which two teams strategically guess and counter guess, the better team should win. Although the Pats may have been the better team all along, if they were cheating, we may never actually know. Also, who is to say they didn't use this technique to win their super bowls???? Unfortunately, this is another stat that requires an "asterik"! My question is, will someone sue Bonds if they are able to eventually prove that he cheated beyond a reasonable doubt by using illegal steroids? I didn't follow him, so personally I don't care!

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well also how many other games are won by cheating.if can be proven for some big game ,like the stanely cup or even the nba the fans of the lossing teams sue the winning team for the lose.that is good point about barry bonds.if im correct didnt he get in trouble for using steriods?

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