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1550 programming

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I have a 1550 uhf radio its all programmed, But I need to know how to make it sound a tone when PTT for three seconds or so just on the radio side not transmit the tone. Basically so you cant talk till the count to three rule passes.

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If the 1550 is a Motorola, check out the Batlabs Forum. This site has all the info you would ever need about Motorola radios.

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are your operators i guess speaking to early and getting front end clipped?

perhaps if you enable signalling and active mdc sidetone and set for the required amount of seconds, radio should give tone (during mdc/premble mdc).

if your not using mdc signalling this may be annoying for users.

i am unsure if there is a way to delay ptt.


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There's no way to have a sidetone unless you add a pre-keyup signaling option. In the CDM-1550 (which I think you're talking about) the only way to do this is to enable MDC or DTMF signaling. If you have a HT-1000 I can tell you how to enable a short pre-keyup sidetone. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're out of luck.

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  unleashedff248 said:
There's no way to have a sidetone unless you add a pre-keyup signaling option. In the CDM-1550 (which I think you're talking about) the only way to do this is to enable MDC or DTMF signaling. If you have a HT-1000 I can tell you how to enable a short pre-keyup sidetone. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Yes unleashed I am using a CDM-1550 and I'm looking for a key up tone if I enable MDC signaling would this cause the radio to send out an Identifier such as my ID # or another option?

You can email me if you like

Thanks all.

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Unleashedff248 and ESU78 are both correct. There is no way to generate a PTT tone on the CDM1550 that does not also involve transmitting some form of identifier over the air.

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