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Group To Protest At National Firefighters Memorial Service

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Wow. I know we still have freedom of religion in this country, but this is ridiculous. I initially saw the domain name and was gonna say something about it, but I decided to look at the flier thinking "maybe theyre using the word in another meaning". Nope. Seems to be yet another religious group that is preaching hate. Surprising that they are not only picketing the memorial, but also other churches.

Wonder what these people would do if there was a fire at their "church"? If they hate firefighters so much would they prevent them from entering and defiling their church?

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If I'm not mistaken, these are the same people who protested the funerals of fallen Iraq War Veterans.

The fire service is so intertwined with American culture I can't say I'm surprised that they've moved their attacks to us.

I suppose anyone who serves people without discrimination is a "fag-enabler"... does that extend to postal workers too? I mean they deliver mail to gay people. Hope they don't write too many letters. I guess 99.9% of all restaurants and department stores are "fag-enablers"... America's farmers and farming corporations also supply food to gays... they must be evil as well.. I hope these people grow their own food. I'm fairly sure the electric company provides power to gay people... they should shun electricity.

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Who are these knuckle heads. The more I read, it sounds more like a cult. But thats my opin. I would say more, but some times less is more. Ah the heck with it. I pray the Fire Depts at the memorial hose them with there 1st Admen Rights. Can anyone say wetdown & then they will be all wet with there protest.

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who do these people call when they need help? Or when thier house is on fire?

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Who are these knuckle heads. The more I read, it sounds more like a cult. But thats my opin. I would say more, but some times less is more. Ah the heck with it. I pray the Fire Depts at the memorial hose them with there 1st Admen Rights. Can anyone say wetdown & then they will be all wet with there protest.

I agree. It sounds like nothing short of a cult to me too! Damn fools! Just another bunch of rabble rousers.

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I agree. It sounds like nothing short of a cult to me too! Damn fools! Just another bunch of rabble rousers.

They are no different than those who bomb abortion clinics and murder people in the name of God. Self righteous phonies that claim to know who God hates and who he doesn't hate. We have had fires, floods, and natural disasters for as long as time has existed so all of a sudden God is punishing us now???

They represent terrorism in my opinion..

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They represent terrorism in my opinion..

i agree with the above.i say nice wet down would do them a lot of good.they are not church in my opinion,they are hate cult or terriost organzation.

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these people are not hearing the words of god, they are hearing the words of Satan!!! God is all that is good, and just, he is all loving and everliving.

I take faith very seriously, all i care about is that you believe, not in way you practice it. but these people have the facts on god mixed up. If god created everyone from his own image. Remember that


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I guess all of the law enforcement officers who protected them in this video should be protestested because they are also "fag-enablers" since they also protect the people they protest.

Here's a video of their ideology.

I am not looking to offend anyone, but I do not agree with this at all.

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well after watching these both videos these people are nothing but a hate surprised they made it out of there with just broken window in that one video.i can see why they needed please escort.

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Hopefully the group that has helped protect families at the gravesides will show up for the memorial service. I'll look up the name later.

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here in the state of indiana there called the patriot not sure if this group is nationwide?

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here in the state of indiana there called the patriot not sure if this group is nationwide?

That's them. I'm not sure if they're nationwide. If not, someone needs to take up the cause. Mourning families do not need these idiots in their face when burying their loved ones. :angry: :angry:

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That's them. I'm not sure if they're nationwide. If not, someone needs to take up the cause. Mourning families do not need these idiots in their face when burying their loved ones. :angry: :angry:

yes i agree with is hard enough to bury your loved one,never mind having these idots around.

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here is there web site.they are nationwide.hopefully they show up for national fighters memorial service

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As disgusting as they are, they are a product of our freedom. I would happily take an assault charge if I could open up a line in close range on those clowns.

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As disgusting as they are, they are a product of our freedom. I would happily take an assault charge if I could open up a line in close range on those clowns.

i do have to agree with you.this what it is to live in country with such freedoms.i wonder if any of them have been assaulted?

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These yahoos protest everything. Everyone is a "fag-enabler". I suppose forgiveness and just a whole live and let live attitude is not what they believe in.

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As sick as it is, this "group" protest funerals too!

This group is to Christianity the same way Al-Qaeda is to Islam.

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Maybe we can get an exhibitionist gay couple to go at it in full view of this group. Really put on a show for them.

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Maybe we can get an exhibitionist gay couple to go at it in full view of this group. Really put on a show for them.

That was a vision I didn't need

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that is a great idea about the gay couple.

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well if any one goes if you could post on here if these,nut jobs do show and what happens.

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I was discussing this with my father last night who has been a part of the weekend for about 10 years now, and he thinks that they won't be allowed on campus nor will they be able to park anywhere, so "F 'em!"

Party is right about this being one of those freedoms our troops have laid thier lives down for, but these shmucks hate our troops too, no?

I love all the freedoms we have and can't imagine living without them, but no group should ever tarnish or take away from memorial services, that's the last thing families need to see on a day of sorrow and reflection.

Hopefully thier buses taking them there drive off a cliff and burst into flames. Ahhh, sweet justice, nothing beats it!

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As with most people like this any assault on them (having a gay couple engage in front of them, spraying them with a hose or even counter-protesting) will just reinforce their efforts and solidify their position.

The best thing you can ever do to people like this is ignore them and have everyone you know do the same. If no one listens, they fail.

You can't compare them to Al-Qaeda because they haven't harmed anyone yet, they're just a bunch of ignorant yokels. No different than dozens of groups before them under various names and guises.

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As with most people like this any assault on them (having a gay couple engage in front of them, spraying them with a hose or even counter-protesting) will just reinforce their efforts and solidify their position.

The best thing you can ever do to people like this is ignore them and have everyone you know do the same. If no one listens, they fail.

You can't compare them to Al-Qaeda because they haven't harmed anyone yet, they're just a bunch of ignorant yokels. No different than dozens of groups before them under various names and guises.

i have to agree with this.but i still think good wet down would be intresting

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