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Lawsuit: Immigration raids in Westchester, Long Island, violated Hispanics' civil rights

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Lawsuit: Immigration raids in Westchester, Long Island, violated Hispanics' civil rights


(Original publication: September 21, 2007)

NEW YORK - Lawyers for Hispanics in Westchester and Long Island have filed a federal lawsuit charging authorities with violating civil rights by raiding their homes without court warrants.

In some instances, officials have burst into homes before dawn to look for people who didn't live there, the lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit was filed yesterday in a federal court in Manhattan on behalf of 15 people, seven of whom are U.S. citizens. They say their suburban homes were raided earlier this year.

Arguing that the raids violate constitutional protections against unreasonable searches, the suit seeks unspecified damages and a halt on the home raids until Immigration and Customs Enforcement develops legal guidelines for them.

ICE spokesman Mark Thorn said he had not seen the legal filing, but the agency does not comment on ongoing lawsuits.

According to the lawsuit, a program dubbed Operation Return to Sender dispatched armed federal agents to homes in search of illegal immigrants thought to have lingered after being ordered to leave the country. But the people sought often weren't there and couldn't "reasonably" have been expected to be, according to the legal complaint.

In one case, authorities raided a home in East Hampton, on eastern Long Island, around 4:30 a.m. on Feb. 20 in search of a man who had moved out in 2003, according to the lawsuit. The family still living there were U.S. citizens, except for a child who is a legal resident awaiting naturalization.

"Because the immigrant communities are afraid to publicly challenge these home raids, they've been getting away with it," said Foster Maer, an attorney with the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund.

The advocacy group and a private law firm, LeBouef, Lamb, Greene & McRae, brought the suit.

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An interesting article from The Sierra Times.

Illegal Aliens do not Have Legal 'Citizens Rights
Gordon Bishop

My mother’s mother came to America in the 1890s, arriving at the Ellis Island Immigration Center which still stands today next to the Statue of Liberty on the Jersey City waterfront.

My maternal grandmother followed the rules for legal immigration. She had to be healthy, or she would be rejected and sent back to where she came, a port city in northern Germany.

My grandmother also had to have relatives in this country and a job waiting for her. My grandmother worked at a diner in lower Manhattan, first scrubbing floors and toilets and grateful for the privilege of being an American.

When my grandmother learned English within a year, she was promoted to waitress. She then moved to Franklin, New Jersey, with her new husband and had nine children, my mother being the last born of the Romyns family.

My wife’s mother, Ann Turkovsky, was born in Slovakia and followed the same process as my grandmother to enter America through Ellis Island.

My wife and I came from families who were legal immigrants.

Why are millions of illegal aliens demonstrating and protesting in the streets of Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, New Jersey and elsewhere, while waving Mexican flags instead of American flags?

They’re getting away with it because we live today in a lawless society. After a century of liberalism and political correctness, we have replaced "rule of law" with "mob rule."

America’s culture is headed for an implosion, or a civil war between the "legals" and "illegals."

Black Americans are on the side of "law and order." They are saying "No" to amnesty for illegals.

Most law-abiding citizens of America are for the legalization of the illegals. That is, they must first obey the law before they can become legalized immigrants. But the politics of power and money are willing to disrupt or even destroy our culture for the sake of cheap labor, right or wrong.

The Far Left is exploiting the showdown between the legals and illegals to garner votes for the liberal Democrat Party.

Corporate America is exploiting the Legal Vs. the Illegal argument so they can hire cheap labor in order to compete with China, India and other Eastern societies that pay their workers $1 or $2 a day with no medical or pension benefits.

America’s labor unions also don’t like the use of cheap labor that’s undermining their foundation in organizing workers that cost more than the illegals competing for these jobs.

So there you have it. We now have a corrupt government, a corrupt corporate operation and a corrupt organized labor movement, all taking America down the road to ruin. You must know about the ruination of the Roman Empire, which lasted some 500 years.

America is only 230 years old, its founding launched by the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 – Independence Day. The beginning of freedom, liberty and opportunity.

Americans (the colonial settlers) won their first war sparked by a Tax Revolt against Great Britain, a monarchy that believed it could crush the isolated settlers with their mighty military, then the world’s superpower.

Well, the big guys lost and little guys won. It was won under a Constitution based on the "rule of law." That Constitution has since been perverted and polluted by a century of corrupt politicians and Supreme Courts that are yielding to "mob rule."

The protests by millions of illegals represent "mob rule" organized by those who are anti-war, anti-America, anti-capitalism (the free enterprise system), and, especially, anti-Bush, the leader of the free world.

And who are behind these illegal mobs? Socialist and Communist organizations such as the Workers World Party and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), and the United Peace Movement, another Communist front that exploits words like "United" and "Peace" to brainwash Americans into thinking they really represent United and Peace ideals.

The liberal mainstream media promote the agenda of these Socialist-Communist organizations, including the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), a gang of liberal lawyers that really represent the American Criminal Liberties Union.

If Americans don’t reclaim their federal and State Constitutions soon, we will all be under the power and control of the lawless mob.

A wise Greek philosopher named Plato predicted some 2,000 years ago that "mob rule" will prevail unless the people protect and respect a Republic’s Constitution based on "rule of law."

We once were the proud and great Republic of the United States of America.

So much for a Republic, and so much for a Constitution. The mob is taking over America.

"Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

Gordon Bishop is a national award-winning author, historian and syndicated columnist," is the recipient of 12 National and 15 State Journalism Awards, including New Jersey’s first "Journalist-of-the-Year" – 1986/New Jersey Press Association. Gordon Bishop can be reached at:

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Thanks for sharing that article. Interesting reading. It's not often you actually see someone put that opinion out in the open.

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Fire 2141, the article is right on. Thanks for sharing it

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Here is an idea how to save money for the budget: Lets just dispand INS and Customs. Lay them all off. We would save a fourtune. It seems that INS isn't allowed to do anything as it is, so lets just end this wasteful spending. We could put that money into socialized medicine also a system doomed to fail and we could all call it quits. Anyone who has a job could then get rid of their cars, because we would all have to live at work to support all of our" THIRD WORLD GUESTS" who pay NO INCOME TAX ,yet reap the benifits of EVERYTHING here in the USA.

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well this with the ilegals has gotten out of hand.they get free health care.we have to pay for it.they buy other peoples social security numbers in order to work.there are lot companies that do not verify if this is really there number.something has to give.

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