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WTC Tribute In Lights 2007

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That's eerie the way that the light is catching the clouds in that photo. Good Job!

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I have been down to the Liberty State Park on several occasions to try to photograph the tribute. It is actually a challenge to get a photo of it that looks real...... I've always wanted to go to the base of the Brooklyn Bridge (The Brooklyn Promenade) and get a shot from there and was never able to do it due to timing and had to settle for LSP instead..... Last year they made it very clear that 2006 would be the last year they did the "Towers of Light" tribute so I figured I missed my chance to get the shot I really wanted...... Then on 9/12/07, I see all the postings of the 2007 tribute....... WTF????? Boy, was I pissed...... I missed it again.....Arghhhhhh :angry: Anyway....I ended up going down to the Brooklyn promenade last Sunday and took the shots of Manhattan I had always wanted to take minus the "Towers of Light" Here's a few I took of the 2006 tribute and a crappy shot of the Brooklyn Bridge I took last Sunday.......


The tribute at dusk from the Liberty State Park 9/11/06


The moon rises over Manhattan.


The "Towers" strike the clouds.


This shot would be better with the "Towers of Light" and awesome if the WTC Towers were in it :( If they do the tribute next year, I WILL be there to retake this shot....

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absolutely amazing photos bill. Thank you.

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thanks for sharing those photos. they're great.

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what great shots thanks for sharing

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Bill!!!! Those are some AWESOME shots!!!!

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Bill, great shots! I wish I knew they were doing the lights again, I would have loved to take another boat trip down to see them again. Lets see what happens next year :(

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Thanks everyone...... I guess I shouldn't feel that bad about missing the tribute this year as I have heard that the weather wasn't good for photo's as the cloud cover was a problem. It seems that T4's photo shows the same....... Was the weather that bad T4? I had tried to get a shot of the moon rising over the tribute last year but unfortunately it was shrouded by clouds until it was just a white dot in the sky as shown in my prior photo's..... From the Promenade the moon rises from the extreme left of the photo so it's not practical to get the moon in any shots from this vantage point..... Maybe if they do the tribute again in 08, we can have a group shoot from the Promenade....

Here's another pano taken at dusk......


This image is made up of 16 images and is 784 MB's as a tiff file and will print at 60"w x 24"h - No wonder my hard drive is full :rolleyes:

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