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Mamaroneck (Village) Muitl Incidents-9/15/07

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Incident #1



Location: I-95 S/B M/M 9.8

Frequency:46.26 (VMFD) 155.2800 (MEMS) 154.755 (VMPD) (?- NYSP)

Units Operating: VMFD: Car-2241, 2242 E-40 E42 MEMS- 68A-1 VMPD- C-312, 314 NYSP- muilt-units

Description Of Incident: Unit's get dispatched to an MVA on I-95 (at the above location) 60-control update's possably two injuries, one being an MOS. When the unit's arrived, They found out the a NYSP officer had someone pulled over to write a ticket. While going back to his car, a Driver of another car came around the bend, and hit the state troppers car dead on. The tropper had to jump the median onto the Northbound side to avoid being hit by the car. The driver was arrested for unknow reason. The passnger was taken to SSMC ALS for AMS.

Writer: ems-buff

Incident #2



Location: Palmer Ave IFO 866

Frequency: 155.2800 (MEMS) 154.755 (VMPD)

Units Operating:MEMS- 68A-1 VMPD- C-312, 314, 311

Description Of Incident: While comeing back from the I-95 Job, VMPD 311 get's on the air and saids he was just hit. 311 was write a ticket when he was hit from behind, The driver on the van that hit him fled the scene. 68A-1 transported the Officer to SSMC BLS.

Writer: ems-buff

Edited by ems-buff

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