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Dover Plains(Dutchess)-Working Fire-09-14-07

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Date: 09-14-07


Location: 64 cedar lane white road and dead-end

Units Operating: Dover

Description Of Incident:

1408 hrs DC-911 Dispatched for a possible trailer fire at 64 cedar lane white road and dead-end

1411 hrs DC-911 advises caller states heavy smoke in the area with a FF on scene reporting confirmed 11

1413 hrs Second dispatch for remaining equipment

1416 hrs DC-911 advises all Dover Equipment on the road

1420 hrs DC-911 advises CC16 enroute

1421 hrs- Command requesting all available manpower to the scene of working trailer fire

DC-911 Dispatched

1439 hrs- Command Advises Fire Knocked Down

Writer- FFD941

Edited by FFD941

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