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Know Your Knots

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"It's better to know a knot and not need it, than need a knot and not know it."

"Wrongly handled, gripped, or tied, rope can kill, maim, or burn. You could be the victim!"

A very interesting website, no purchase necessary.

Click on the Knot you want to view, and watch it tie itself!

"Each knot automatically "ties itself" when the page opens. Fast and Slow buttons allow each animation to be replayed. Many of the animations can also be reflected left for right or inverted with the Normal, Mirror, Inverted, Rotated buttons under the title. To study each stage, the animation can also be played step by step: just move the mouse over the row of numbered buttons under the knot. For many knots an extra button, Structure, shows a picture which helps understand the way the knot "fits together".

If you tie it and your life depends on it, inspect it carefully. If someone else ties it, inspect it extremely carefully.

Thanks to my colleagues at BMFD for sharing this valuable link.


Edited by jack10562

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