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Squadzilla Responding- With Train Horn

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Check out this rescue truck from Shrewsbury, PA. I remember a few years ago, when it was delivered, it made the gossip rounds because it was equipped with a locomotive/train horn. Sounds reallt different responding...I'd look for a train myself, not a firetruck.

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That is histerical, atleast he approached the intersection with caution

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One of our chauffeurs runs a tractor trailer for a living, and has a train horn installed in his truck.

Every time he passes the firehouse, he blows it if someone is there, and keeps making me think a locomotive is coming! I can only imagine what this rig sounds like in person!!

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Just what the public needs, especially the old goats like me, a train approaching from where? A loco horn? More BS from the morons! I,m sure the "Q" and the normal air horns I relied on to warn John Q were good enough! He did use proper caution and would be great if we all did.

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Sweet! Do they fit in Crown Vics?

Id love to use the system they have out now, not sure of the name, has a deep bass sound and mimics the siren for a few seconds, makes you shake when you stand in front of it. Anyone have video on that?

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  OnTheWheel said:
Sweet! Do they fit in Crown Vics?

Id love to use the system they have out now, not sure of the name, has a deep bass sound and mimics the siren for a few seconds, makes you shake when you stand in front of it. Anyone have video on that?

Its called The Rumbler made by Federal Signal. I have one of these in my patrol car. It is kinda cool, but people still have no clue how to move over!!!

Clicky Linky -

PS, this is not my car though

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i swear that would scare me so badd. i think i would end up not only on the side of the road but probably about 15 feet off the edge

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Actually, there are a couple local guys from my area who have them on their 19 wheel dump trucks. Funny when you're near 684 and hear that thing going.

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  Grumpy said:
Just what the public needs, especially the old goats like me, a train approaching from where? A loco horn? More BS from the morons! I,m sure the "Q" and the normal air horns I relied on to warn John Q were good enough! He did use proper caution and would be great if we all did.

That's just it, in this wonderful day and age of people in cars with more insulation and soundproofing than a recording studio, you need something to wake em up. Sometimes the old Q, or whatever you're packing may not do the job.

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  DCurtis said:
do they ever take their foot off the Q?

They had pretty good technique with the grover stuttertones, but that Q was ridiculous.

And, I could just see the air guage going down every time they fire off the locomotive airhorn... my chauffeer would be yelling at me to cut it out before I caused the maxi to lock up.

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  Sqd47 said:
They had pretty good technique with the grover stuttertones, but that Q was ridiculous.

And, I could just see the air guage going down every time they fire off the locomotive airhorn... my chauffeer would be yelling at me to cut it out before I caused the maxi to lock up.

Train Horn systems on firetrucks have seperate tanks and compressors

Regular air horns on modern firetrucks have seperate tanks than airbrakes.

You can dump the horns and not have to worry about losing your brakes. Not that it's necessary and you'll probably get a John Q Public complaint.

That's an old FF myth.

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Dont know the name of the department (I think down in Maryland somewhere) that had a whole row of train horns along the roof of a brand new engine or a rescue and the first time they used them it vibrated that truck so much that all the windows shattered. This is an unconfirmed story, but I think that if you went overboard with too many train horns that the vibration could do that.

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Thats funny, I know peekskill VAC has a set of train horns on their ambulance. it sounds sweet. I don't think that was the original intention, but thats what they sound like. A buddy of mine also has a nice white chevy pickup with a train horn, that thing is obnoxious....

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