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Out and about, Virginia Style

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This past weekend, I trekked down to Virginia to watch my wife's stepbrother take the plunge into holy matrimony. After a sweat soaked ceremony and realizing I should really try on my old suits before I take them to the cleaners, I had a day planned to hit Kings' Dominion. Unfortunately, this fizzled, so what's a guy to do?? It's out and about time!!!

First stop, Leesburg, VA. This is Loudoun County Station 20/Leesburg Station 1. They are staffed by paid members during the day, and vollies at night. Interesting set up.

Here's the chiefs car, I am presuming this is a paid position.


Tanker 1


If anyone was wondering what became of those 2005 Seagrave Concorde RMA's that Baltimore gave back, wonder no more. Here's the spare Truck 1, which was Baltimore City Truck 15, and is being used by Leesburg till the new Seagrave tiller comes in. PS ,BC Truck 15 has a nice new Seagrave Tiller. Leesburg also has a 1988 Seagrave Tiller that they use as a training rig. It belonged to DC, and Richmond, VA. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to shoot it.


Engine 1


I then headed over to the EMS Station. It appears that like Jersey, a lot of heavy rescue/extrication is done by EMS down there. Here's Squad 613, a 1989 or 90 E-One.


Next stop Ashburn..

Edited by TR54

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After a little bit, and a few wrong turns, I made it over to Ashburn, Loudoun County Station 6. These guys run a paid medic, a couple of buses, two engines(one referred to as a wagon) a Tower Ladder and a Quint. Plus a utility rig.

Here's Wagon 6. Engine 6 was out at the time and by the time they got back, it was too late for me to stop them and ask for a picture.


Truck 6. And no, I don't like Roto-Rays.


Quint 6. They were OOS, but the guys were nice enough to pull it out of the repair shed for me.


Engine 23 stopped by as well,


And finally the Assistant Chiefs car, I am presuming by the markings, this guy is a vollie.


And since it is pretty hard, not to mention dangerous to yank out the camera doing 60 on I-695, Baltimore County Engines 1, 64, 101, Truck 13, and Rescue 101 were also sighted, but not shot.

As always, Enjoy...

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one referred to as a wagon)

Often times the engine is the first due rig that you'll find infront of the fire building. The wagon or hose wagon is the rig that runs second due and snags the plug, completes the lay and picks up the engine's line.

However, most of the time these days a wagon is just a PA, MD, DC, VA term that means engine.

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Jimmy, great shots as usual. And I agree, with both roto-rays and Mars lights, those fronts look too cluttered.

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great pictures, i was down in north Carolina a couple weeks ago and by some unfortunate luck i was not the driver as we passed every firehouse, almost as if it was planned.

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great pictures, i was down in north Carolina a couple weeks ago and by some unfortunate luck i was not the driver as we passed every firehouse, almost as if it was planned.

I hear you Sean, it seems to be that way when I travel with my family anymore...

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Great shots, Jimmy. Thanks for sharing.

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I always share with my FF 1 or academy probies my story about the "Wagon" when I first joined my FD in Virginia.

I came in and was talking and told them my family firefighting history and that I was interested in joining. So they got me the app I filled it out was getting ready to leave when they asked if I wanted to take a ride with them that they were going to get food. I said no the assistant chief..who ended up being one of the best fire officers I ever served under tells me go out in the bay and "hop in the wagon."

I was perplexed and thought it was a joke so as I'm walking out going "no problem guys catch ya later" they are all shouting "where you going, come on take a ride." Little did I know right on the side of that pumper "Wagon 6."

Washington DC FD also used the term Wagon for engines and it stuck for some traditionally down south. That is one of those traditions that works and doesn't hinder progress.

Just if you go down there and want to ride a Rescue you'll end up on an ambulance. You want to ride a heavy rescue you need to find the Squad.

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