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Wrist Watch Flight Computer

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Hey guys, i was just wondering if anybody here had any clue on how to use a wrist watch fight computer, it is a bezel slide rule with computations for speed, fuel consumption, distance...........

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Flight computers are fun! Do you have a breitling watch or some other equivalent? I always have to refer back to my physics class to remember how to operate it. Speed is Distance/time. The outer ring is your distances and inner ring is time. So if you want to find out how far you will go in 40 min at 120 Kts, line up the 60 mark on the inner ring with the 120 mark on the outer ring (120 nm/60 min aka 120 nm/hr aka 120kts). Then look over the 40 or 4 mark on the inner ring and it should tell you 80 nm. The ring is scalable by ten to anything you want. We would do the same procedure if we wanted to find how far we would go if were traveling at 1200 kts or 12. There are plenty of variables that you can look for but they can all be solved using the same ratio/ lineup method. The same thing works for fuel consumption. Most planes work on pounds per hour, as your weight is very important for calculating things such as take off roll on a hot day. Again, outer ring can be used to represent lbs, and inner ring is time. There are also ways to scale it down to seconds by lining stuff up with the 36 mark on the inner ring. All this stuff is rather hard to describe without actually showing you in person how to line stuff up. I personally would never use a watch because its too damn hard to read when I'm trying not to crash into the ground. I keep a CR-4 flight computer with my knee board and use it occasionally in-flight to update fuel consumption based on my ground speed. Any aviator worth their salt does all the hard math on the ground so they don't have to worry about it in the cockpit.

Here is a quick instruction i found on the net. Not spectacular but is a bit better than my ramblings. PM if you want more details.

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Should work the same as a normal E6-B flight computer, just without the inner dials

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Is it being used for aviation? If so, I'd say just use the E6-B or to really make things simpler the CX-2 digital flight computer.

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