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Putnam County EMS Seminar

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Sept 29th 2 sessions:


Nadine Levick will be presenting on Ambulance Transport Safety: What you need to know, for more info go to

Ms. Levick has spoken at EMS seminars nation wide

11:30-12:30 lunch

12:30-2 is It's not always a traffic accident- given by Gary Ferucci

seminar will give 1st responder the opportunity to understand the differences of a traffic accident vs traffic crash, will develop knowledge and understanding as to how actions can affect the outcome of a crimanl prosecution or civil tort.

this class has been very popular in the last year, was given at Nassau University Medical Center, Vital signs, and at FASNY EMS seminar as well as the Montour Falls EMS Seminar

Cost is $20 for 1 class or $30 if you sign up for both, if you sign up for both then you get a free lunch.

you can call Bureau of EMS to register: 845 808-4000

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