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Thermal Imaging Cameras In Law Enforcement

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On CSI: Miami they just used a TIC to search for a missing woman inside a jetty thought it was pretty interesting to share given this topic.

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I have been to a few car accidents where the driver of the vehicle has been drunk and the local police department has called in the fire department for the use of their thermal imaging camera. Both times the drivers of the vehicles were caught hiding in the woods.

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Our PD has a TIC (I am told) and would of been wise to use it the other night looking for the man with a chainsaw. I don't know if they used it or not but given the info that the person in question was in the woods it would of helped.

Mofire - Cortlandt VAC had a pair of irons and a bolt cutter on each rig last I remember. If memory serves me the irons are in the driver-side rear cabinet of 88B3 and in the same cabinet on 88B1.

Having the equipment to force entry on ambulances is a great idea, but look at most of the people riding our local ambulances. I don't think they have the training nor the strength to get the job done. If FD's train (OK, should be training) on this stuff at least annually, then EMS should too if they want to do it.

I mean, there is EMTs that can't figure out stair we really want them to try and pop a door? :P

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I mean, there is EMTs that can't figure out stair we really want them to try and pop a door? :P

ROFL! I love when I have to shown THEM how to open it up and use it! More then once have they almost dropped a patient down a flight of stairs! But you gotta admit, the stretchers and chairs arent very user friendly. I love the Dewalt stretchers though! :lol:

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