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Where could they be going

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So this afternoon I was going over the Palisades Mall. Traffic coming S/B on 87 towards the TZB was a nightmare. All of a sudden I see lights and hear sirens. It was HATZOLAH trying to get through impossible traffic. What is that about? I could see if it was an emergency but I know that it was just a transport. I wish there was a Trooper in the area so HE/SHE could have questioned as to why they were going lights and sirens. I CAN'T STAND HATZOLAH.

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You oneeye? NOOOOOOOOO. LOL.

Been there seen that brother. But to me life is too damn short for me to dedicate time being aggravated over it. I just post it on here and breathe....ooooozfaba...oooohzfaba

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I could see if it was an emergency but I know that it was just a transport.

How could you know that it was a transport?

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I love it when the upstate divisions come medically responsible is that if your going lights an sirens...NOTHING in the city can be the closest facility. That being said, there should be no reason for the emergency ops, shut it down and do it as a normal transport. There can be no medical justification for what normally is a 40-60 min preference is NOT good enough. Sorry, it happens too many times to be a true emergency ie a replant or special surgery know what, everyone cuts corner here and there, but its time someone held them accountable for their actions.

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This thread's closed. I don't see a productive or constructive purpose to this thread. Once again, this forum is not to be used as a personal rant site, nor is it to be used to specifically bash an agency or person. Those have been the rules of the forum, and they were ignored, so don't blame me for locking this as it's not my fault. I'm displaying this message so that my intent is transparent, and I'm not accused of locking threads for no reason.

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