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Firefighters accused of drinking & driving...a fire truck

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08/23/07) WOOD-RIDGE - A firehouse tradition led to swift suspensions for some firefighters in the all-volunteer Wood-Ridge Fire Department.

Five members were placed on suspension after they allegedly drank alcohol and drove a fire truck back to the firehouse Saturday. Firehouse officials say the men, including the driver, smelled of alcohol.

Fire officials say the five members went to Pequannock for a celebration, known as a “wet-down,” to mark the arrival of new equipment. The borough administrator says the five off-duty firefighters had permission to take the truck to the party, but violated department policies.

“The rule on designated drivers [is] they cannot have anything to drink and firefighters under the age of 21 cannot have anything to drink,” Wood-Ridge Borough Administrator Christopher Eilert said.

The fire chief said Lt. Mark Rella, who was behind the wheel, had alcohol on his breath when he returned. Rella was given a 90-day suspension. Two underage firefighters accused of drinking were suspended from all departmental social activities for 30 days.

Another lieutenant was given a 30-day suspension and Captain Ron Phillips, Jr. was issued a 60-day suspension, both for failing to enforce department rules.

Eilert says the men all have good records of service with the department. He says this is an isolated incident, but the department is taking it very seriously.

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When will people ever learn....

This goes back to those "bars banned in firehouses" threads. While there are policies in place to keep people from responding or driving a department vehicle after consuming alcohol, too many people just can't control themselves and made bad decisions. What would have happened if this LT had been in a collision returning to the station? First, most likely the department would have been without a needed piece of apparatus. Second, someone, either from the department or civilian would have been seriously unjured or even killed It's not worth anyone's life to drive under the influence.

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Just another "black eye" for the volunteer fire service, and more fodder for the anti-social event (read: parade and wetdown) types to feast on.

I wonder what would the media's response would be if they knew that Pequannock wasn't their first stop that day? They made an appearance in Palisades Park earlier in the afternoon as well, where all "designated drivers" were made to give their license info, etc., to the guy at the entrance to the event before they ever primed the pump just as a precaution so they could monitor who did what in terms of the liquid refreshment table.

Maybe I'm just too much of a "straight arrow" for my own good, but underage drinking is just plain wrong, no matter what. Firefighter or not. Ditto for driving after you've had a couple.

Just a shame that these guys couldn't control themselves and party responsibly (and legally). What's that line about all it takes is a few bad apples....... ?

Edited by AndyC3J

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they should have had the police there to arrest the idiots and the throw them out of the department for good!

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I recently was on vacation in NJ and can tell you this....

If I had a camera, I would start a 100 post thread!

My father and I noticed some guys HAMMERED at a bar one evening while we were out to dinner. They were talking about the rollover the night before (I was there, no camera - sorry) and how one guy "Was so hammered he couldn't remember which apparatus he rode to the call!!!!

Oh, and they had their pagers on them while they were at the bar.

I'm proud to be a volunteer firefighter, but ----- like these make it harder to advertise what I do.

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Give me a little beat...

Just the good ol'boys never meaning no harm....

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First of all why did the department give them the ok to take an engine out of service for a wet down? unless they where the stand by crew. Yes Tom Tom I agree its time that some of the Westchester Departments start thinking about what guys are sitting at the bar when alarm comes in, and if those guys are jumping off the bar stool to get into the driver seat. What kind of image is that giving to the public? I'll tell yall right now I've been asked if all I do is drink when I am at the fire house by people in the public. So for us it's not in our favor.

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  efd184 said:
they should have had the police there to arrest the idiots and the throw them out of the department for good!

You said it! Lock 'em up and that will deter lots of others from playing games with a 40000 pound bullet

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IS it that hard to be an adult. In my col. firehouser where i used to be active in before i moved and joined another we had a alcohol in the fire house. we had social fuctions and we had thoses late night friday and saturday night calls. When we got to the bays to respond the people who had even one! would say not driveing and noone would lie i watched a guy just crack a beer take one sip and the tones went off and he would not drive the truck and we waited another3 min for someone else to show up who could drive. it was never a problem not even after parades, wetdowns , partys. Just be an adult be responsible and don't get in a firetruck if you even had a sip. Grow up

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  Dondestro said:
IS it that hard to be an adult. In my col. firehouser where i used to be active in before i moved and joined another we had a alcohol in the fire house. we had social fuctions and we had thoses late night friday and saturday night calls. When we got to the bays to respond the people who had even one! would say not driveing and noone would lie i watched a guy just crack a beer take one sip and the tones went off and he would not drive the truck and we waited another3 min for someone else to show up who could drive. it was never a problem not even after parades, wetdowns , partys. Just be an adult be responsible and don't get in a firetruck if you even had a sip. Grow up

A. Were you drunk writing this? :P

B. Are you saying that if they drank they didn't drive... but they still responded?

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Alcohol has no place in the fire service! People just look for reasons to sue, why risk it? You could hurt someone, or yourself. I know of some local departments that have trouble getting more then their first due out the door, but their bar is always staffed!

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  RescueKujo said:
When will people ever learn....

This goes back to those "bars banned in firehouses" threads. While there are policies in place to keep people from responding or driving a department vehicle after consuming alcohol, too many people just can't control themselves and made bad decisions. What would have happened if this LT had been in a collision returning to the station? First, most likely the department would have been without a needed piece of apparatus. Second, someone, either from the department or civilian would have been seriously unjured or even killed It's not worth anyone's life to drive under the influence.

If you recall a few years ago in a department out west a volunteer firefighter was found guilty of manslaughter. He was driving to a call and was polluted. The truck rolled and a young female firefighter was ejected and killed.

Wake up !!!!!

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