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Computer Geek Squad - Question?

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Computer Geek Squad - Question?

I have a Dell XPS M140 which I purchased in 2006.

About a month ago, like an idiot I spilled soda into the keyboard.

Now some of the keys stick and a couple don't work. :rolleyes:

Is this nice XPS shot or can the keyboard be replaced?

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If there's no warranty, or if you don't want to be on the phone with India for 3 hours, send it to these guys:

Very reasonable rates and good customer service/shipping... I used them and was very satisfied. They had been running a promotion in connection with Sirius/Howard Stern but I forget what the promo code was...

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I think it can be replaced; not cheap. Hope you have a warranty.


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Had a family member with a similiar incident with his laptop when his 1 year old "cleaned" the keyboard with a cup of water. He was able to replace his keyboard, it wasn't the same model but it was a Dell.

I found this for you, don't know if it totally helps but I hope so:

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You can also use lcd screen wipes or even alcohol swab wipes, cleans the surface well and any liquid evaporates quickly without risking shorting anything out.

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Computer Geek Squad - Question?

I have a Dell XPS M140 which I purchased in 2006.

About a month ago, like an idiot I spilled soda into the keyboard.

Now some of the keys stick and a couple don't work. :rolleyes:

Is this nice XPS shot or can the keyboard be replaced?

Here's the deal... I'm a Dell Certified Tech and I see this ALL the time at work....

If the laptop is out of warranty, then you can buy a replacement keyboard on eBay (

Item). To replace it will take about 15 minutes -- it's literally 4 screws!!!

Cakewalk!!! Trust me.

Cleaning the keys is not going to work -- you would need to take each key off to clean the surface and spring clips (not for the faint at heart) and then take the keyboard itself out of the laptop and seperate the layers to reveal the contact skin. Then clean that. By the time you're done, you'd have spent a good 3 hours and have a keyboard that only half works.

Good luck!!

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I find if you actually screw the cap on the bottle, it usually stays in it!!! ;)

J/K Buddy, I did the same thing only on my desktop - went to OfficeMax and got a new keyboard.


I am trying like crazy to convert some Quicktime files into something I can use with Windows Movie Maker. They are digital videos I shot and want to edit into something.

Any thoughts? I have tried downloading a couple of things I found on Google, but no luck thus far.


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Computer Geek Squad - Question?

I have a Dell XPS M140 which I purchased in 2006.

About a month ago, like an idiot I spilled soda into the keyboard.

Now some of the keys stick and a couple don't work. :rolleyes:

Is this nice XPS shot or can the keyboard be replaced?

Well, I did that to my regular keyboard ( brand new one) and I almost dropped. It was full of soda!

I took it apart and cleaned it out with a paper towel and then wiped it down with DAWN. I used my Blow Dryer, believe it or not, and dried the thing and it worked perfectly. A few stuck keys, but as I used them, it loosened up.

Lot's of people have this happen to them.

Not sure on a laptop, though. Follow what the pro's say.

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I am trying like crazy to convert some Quicktime files into something I can use with Windows Movie Maker. They are digital videos I shot and want to edit into something.

Any thoughts? I have tried downloading a couple of things I found on Google, but no luck thus far.


I saved this from PC World, AVS Video Converter - haven't used it but might be worth looking at.

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Ex-2114 speaks the truth and I was going to say the exact same thing. Go buy the keyboard on ebay then hit me up on IM and we'll get it installed for you. Clean a keyboard is futile. Don't bother. :)

Edited by WAS967

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Greatest invention ever: the virtually indestructible keyboard

It is all I have used for the last 3 years. it took a bit of getting used to since it lies flat on your desk. But after you get over the hump, its a life saver. I eat my cereal at my computer every morning (to check emtbravo) and I occasionally spill a bit of milk. No worries, unplug, wipe down with damp cloth, TA DA! Good as new. It rolls up so you can take it with you and your laptop. I find laptop keyboards generally too small and annoying. Ive seen it in bars but it would be great for a home with small children. I am a huge fan of it and recommend to everyone.

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