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Husband Pulls Over Deputy Wife -- Twice:What would you have done?

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Husband Pulls Over Deputy Wife -- Twice


Posted: 2007-08-14 07:53:19

Filed Under: Crime News

(Aug. 14) - An off-duty Elko County sheriff's deputy was arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol after her husband, a fellow deputy, pulled her over.

Charlotte Moore, 36, a jail deputy, was off duty driving her 2004 Pontiac Grand Am on Saturday when she was pulled over by her husband, Elko County Sheriffs Deputy Mike Moore, a police report said.

In two separate accounts of the incident, Mike Moore indicated she initially was pulled over for either speeding or making an illegal turn.

She allegedly left before being administered a portable breathalyzer test, the Elko Daily Free Press reported.

Mike Moore pulled her over again and called for backup. He left shortly after another officer arrived.

Mike Moore was following procedure when he asked for backup, Elko County Undersheriff Rocky Gonzalez told the newspaper.

Neither Mike nor Charlotte Moore was available for comment Monday. She reportedly had been drinking approximately two hours earlier at a downtown business group's wine walk, the newspaper said.

Charlotte Moore was released on Sunday and placed on paid administrative leave.

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Guess who's sleeping on the floor tonight

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Guess who's sleeping on the floor tonight

Floor? Like hell, you mean outside in the doghouse, don't ya? LOL

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They should have kept their domestic problems at home or at the therapists office!

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Mmmm, how far does professional courtesy go? Would it have made a difference if a different Officer had pulled her over?

I'd like to think not - but I have my doubts. Maybe professional courtesy can be excused for minor offences but when does it / should it stop?

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I see what you mean about professional courtesy but there's a line of being professional and being safe, not only to the other person, but to the public, maybe there are other ways they could have resolved this without ticketing her, but the point it she was drinking, it would have been stupid to let her keep driving. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for professional courtesy, but I think that somethings the law shouldn't be bent for....and I'm pretty sure he wont even be lucky enough to sleep in the dog house.

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I think a little more to the story here.......

Was she drunk coming from a booty call and he got revenge? haha

-Domestic Incident?

-Marital problems?

-Is HE up for SGT?

-Is SHE up for SGT and scored higher? lol

If she is drunk she is drunk..... but c'mon!


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Yeah, if it was just that she was drunk...knowing it was her he would have just followed her home...unless there is (OBVIOUSLY) more to this story! That would be almost as bad as writing your own mother...even most Troopers won't do that (LOL). I would hate to ask...was he hunting her? Even though she was drunk these charges may get dropped if there is any evidence that he was following her around when he was on patrol and she was off duty!

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The best way I have ever heard for a man to tell his wife that he wants a divorce!

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Mmmm, how far does professional courtesy go? Would it have made a difference if a different Officer had pulled her over?

I'd like to think not - but I have my doubts. Maybe professional courtesy can be excused for minor offences but when does it / should it stop?

I've always viewed professional courtesy differently. Sure there's the "same team" thing... I see letting a fellow officer, and often other emergency service folks, go for some trafic violations based upon the fact that they have special training and experience exceeding the speed limit and perfoming unorthodox traffic maneuvers. It's realistically far less dangerous for one of us to drive a little fast than it is joe blow who drives a desk for a living, just the same as a nascar driver weaving around in traffic isn't very likely to wipe out on the highway either.

That being said... man that's some messed up sh!t.

Edited by paramedico987

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Something tells me there is more to this than what is being reported.

I smell either separated already and going through or had a nasty divorce.

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Where is Paul Harvey with "The rest of the story" when you need him?

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