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OLM*EMS Update

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I'm wondering what the current status of OLM*EMS is since the "affiliation" with Montefiore?

I've noticed several OLM EMS vehicles at a warehouse on 233rd St. by where 39 Truck used to be. Did they move their operations over there from the "Ambulance Station" at the OLM parking garage on 233rd?

Also, how many of what level of buses are they running now?

Here's a bonus photo of OLM 2838, one of their newer Wheeled Coaches. Can any of the OLM guys on here comment on how they like them? A lot is talked about Wheeled Coach's quality, but the ones from Los Angeles that I have ridden in and seen are quality- but then again LAFD is obsessive with equipment maintainence, even the units that do 3,000 plus transports a year. How are they holding up on the streets of the Bronx, though?


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My understanding is that OLM*EMS remains essentially the same, despite OLM's affiliation w/ Monti. Monti is still in contract w/ Transcare to my knowledge, but i was told that once that contract is up they want their own EMS. If that's combination w/ OLM i don't know. I still think they are running the same setup - a few BLS ( I think 15 Charlie, Eddie, and maybe 1 other?) and 1 ALS ( 15 Victor). This is all 3rd party, however.

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According to people in the know here's whats going to happen. Monty is not particularly interested in running EMS (hence the transcare contract). When the Monty - Transcare contract comes up again OLM EMS will be added to Transcare's contract. Then there's those who say The lower level management at OLM is staying and so is EMS (apparently OLM EMS actually turns a profit still). Then there's as part of assuming OLM's debt Monty has to trim some fat from their operations as well and all EMS is going to be dropped at the conclusion of the contract. It turns out apparently no one knows whats going on. There are rumors about added FDNY units to cover voluntary units that will no longer be operating but there's nothing concrete. Besides, most of that focuses of Presbyterian and St. Barnabas units.

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In short, no one knows what's really going to happen at Monte/OLM. :lol:

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I'm wondering what the current status of OLM*EMS is since the "affiliation" with Montefiore?

I've noticed several OLM EMS vehicles at a warehouse on 233rd St. by where 39 Truck used to be. Did they move their operations over there from the "Ambulance Station" at the OLM parking garage on 233rd?

Also, how many of what level of buses are they running now?

Here's a bonus photo of OLM 2838, one of their newer Wheeled Coaches. Can any of the OLM guys on here comment on how they like them? A lot is talked about Wheeled Coach's quality, but the ones from Los Angeles that I have ridden in and seen are quality- but then again LAFD is obsessive with equipment maintainence, even the units that do 3,000 plus transports a year. How are they holding up on the streets of the Bronx, though?


That is just the old Vehicle# 2838. It runs well so it was given to the Engineering Department as a service vehicle. They haven done anything with it which is why it sits there. We are still based at the OLM Parking structure on 233 & Bronx Blvd.

We have 2 Wheeled coach ambulances, 2832 & 2838. They have been working out well for us. You are not buying "Caddy" quality. The fit & finish is more like a "Chevy". The electrical system is top rate. They also warranty all their components with a lifetime warranty. For a vehicle that has to put up with the rigors of NYC 911 service on the streets of "Da" Bronx, we got our money's worth.

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