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Greenburgh Civil Defense Headquarters

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I've always wondered about this building. It is in Elmsford (Town of Greenburgh), and marked as "Greenburgh Civil Defense Heaquarters".

Greenburgh Civil Defense is a divison of Greenburgh Police. I'm not sure how it operates, it

s perplexing, I know there is one or two very active members, but I know they maintain a mobile communicaitions truck, a casacade truck, and a lighting truck.

Anyways, I wondered if this building is still actively used, and what it was in its former life (if it was used as something prior to CD)


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Could it be related to the US civil defense which was active during the cold war? I believe I've seen the Civil defense logo on a bus at the Greenburgh water and communications building.

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Could it be related to the US civil defense which was active during the cold war? I believe I've seen the Civil defense logo on a bus at the Greenburgh water and communications building.

This bus is part (or was, with the arrival of the new 132 2007 Freightliner/LDV Mobile Command/Comm Center) of GPD's Civil Defense.

I was able to photograph this bus actually yesterday. To my recollection, it's never been used much.

Communications Unit 448:

(Which I think was converted by BOCES Southern Westchester Auto Tech Program and donated to GPD CD)

Cascade Unit 446: (Which replaces the old,old big blue truck- anyone remember or have photos of that?)

Light/Generator Truck 445 (Think this used to be ex-Fairview R-3/U7:

And I don't C.E.R.T. the modern day version of "Civil Defense"????

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OEM is pretty much the modern day Civil Defense. Most OEM's started as CD and with time have changed to the new name. Yonkers CD is in the process of droping CD for OEM. They already use OEM but it's not 100% offical yet.

As far as CERT goes.

With CD back in the day you many groups. Rescue, Aux PD, AUX FD, Etc. CERT is kinda taking the place of the CD Rescue Squads.

In Yonkers you had the CD Rescue Services which changed over time to the Searchlight and Rescue and then to CD Emergency Support Services. One big thing is funding when CD died out after the Cold War so did the money. Most CD's died out and stayed as only a very small group. With 9/11 they have started to grow again and now FEMA has money towards CERT. So the money from FEMA is being used to build up CERT like the CD Rescue units once were.

Hope this helps some.

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