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Toddler Dials 911 from Cell 287 times

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Toddler Dials 911 From Cell Phone 287 Times

by Terrence O'Brien

Cell phones in the U.S. are required by law to still be able to access emergency services even if deactivated. That piece of information could have saved one woman, who gave her 4-year-old daughter her cell phone to play with, a whole lot of hassle. The little girl, not quite understanding what she was doing, dialed 911 over and over again. The 4-year-old did this a grand total of 287 times in the month of June, sometimes as often as 20 times during a shift.

Emergency personnel were only able to track the phone to the apartment complex where the child lived, so they resorted to a simple ruse to find her -- they offered to bring her McDonald's. An operator asked her what she wanted and she replied "McDonald's," so authorities convinced her that if she told them where she lived they would bring her McDonald's.

Needless to say, when the authorities arrived, the mother took the phone away.

From AP

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Funny story!

My sister who lives in New Fairfield CT, answered her door one day to fine 2 of New Fairfields finest standing at her door.

They stated thet someone in the house had called 911 4 times and asked for " Uncle David " then hung up.

It seems that my sister had explained to my niece that I worked in a 911 center. She though it was a good way to call me to see if i was comming over to play with her.


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That's cute, I mean really cute. Luckily I haven't had my nieces or nephew call looking for me.

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I've been putting "911" as my work number when requested by entities that I don't want to give my real number to, online. I hope they're not just getting auto dialed by a computer somewhere...

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Can I dial 911 and request an order of Hot Wings from DES?

What's the turn around time?

Cold Wings are no fun!

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This is a funny story, but it does bring up an interesting issue. Multiple 9-1-1 calls from the same location, even if not intentional, do take up some service that should be reserved for those that need help. Now in this case, since it was all from one child, they were able to work towards locating her, and solve the problem.

A few years ago we had someone at a company program a fax machine wrong and it kept dialing 9-1-1 all weekend, several hundred times. The only person in the building was a security guard who had no way of locating which fax machine it was. I know that a print out of all the calls was brought to someone at the company and the math was done for what the fine would be if they were charged with falsely reporting an incident but the apologized and no one was ever charged. I don't know if they ever found out who actually programmed the fax machine. Either way it took time away from real emergency work, since our 9-1-1 system gives you the highest priority line that has been ringing the longest, so you can't even use ALI to screen out the calls.

We still to this day have a company where people misdial 9-1-1 so frequently that it's almost a running joke with the dispatchers if you take a real call from the building. Most of these are people misdialing when they try for 0-1-1 to make an international call. Even a little public education might make an improvement here, but everyone shrugs it off, like it doesn't really take all that much system resource to answer the call and hang up. I think we actually get into a "Boy who cried wolf" situation, where when you see that address come up on ALI, you expect it to not be a real call, so that when it is, it takes a second to readjust mentally and work towards getting the public the help they need.

I have even heard coworkers say, “It’s your job to answer 9-1-1 so it doesn’t matter if it is real or not. Just take the call”. While technically true, that doesn’t make these calls right or even harmless.

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Considering that 911 is for emergencies, anyone who calls more than 10 times in their life should be shot! LOL...But there are the few that we know personally cause they have personal emergencies everyday and just need some advice (or to talk to their favorite dispatcher) and 900 numbers ain't free. Although these persons are harmless they do tie up emergency lines and personnel with their extensive conversations, that usually end in no one needing help at all, and therefore burden everyone in the center cause the phones don't stop ringing do they now? Reasons not to call 911: A stray cat got in my house, my power just went out (unless you are on life support), what time are the fireworks, and can I order a large pizza with extra cheese!

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Similar to the Bat-Signal, I have designed and built a searchlight with the White Castle logo on it to summon dispatchers as needed. Works better then calling on a phone! I just haven't figure out how to keep back the hundreds of people showing up stoned out of their minds looking for a few sliders...

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Does that same old lady still call 60 and complain about her cable bill? lol

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Since she only ever called 60 Control. Personally I have not heard from her in a long time...However for those familiar with Mr. Davey, he is still kicking and calling 3-4 times a week. For those who don't know him, he is absolutely nuts! He thinks the FBI is tapping him, the Mafia is following him, and when he is in Tibbetts Brook Park he says they use hot female joggers as their spies so they don't lose track of him. He also believes that I set up a YPD bug at his house last week, after I convinced him of this of course! Makes the job interesting none the less, and I hear he goes out to Long Island also!

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Being in the 845 region, making phone calls to the 914 region, I sometimes do slip and double hit 9-1-1, although I hangup as soon as I realize, usually milliseconds after hitting it. So far to date, no law enforcement officials have showed up, nor have I had the dreaded call-back, when you feel retarded for accidentally dialing it, especially being in the field we are in, lol.

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nor have I had the dreaded call-back, when you feel retarded for accidentally dialing it, especially being in the field we are in, lol.

Yep, that's happened to me, and of course it's the dispatcher who also works with me part time :huh:

Edited by AFD32519

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