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Guest paramedico987

Call Audits: A Little Help...

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I'm in desperate need of call audit hours for my Westchester MAC. I didn't think I was gonna do this whole career EMS thing more than a year or two, and now all of a sudden I need to get 11 hours in 4 weeks.

I referenced the REMAC CA schedule, but I've heard that there are often more audits held that don't get posted.

If anybody knows about CALL AUDIT opportunities this month please post about em, especially if there are gonna be any "megga audits."

Thanx - P

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Putnam Hospital is supposed to have one Weds July 11 at 7pm. It is listed on under training and call audits. I think a certain number of CA's can be out of region, but you'd need to check. It's good for two hours, but gets canceled regularly, so check with Putnam 911 before going.

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I believe Phelps hospital and the Medical Center offer a few different call audits, you can try calling them to see.

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NWH/WEMS - Third Thursday of every month - 7pm @ WEMS HQ (Usually Dr. Marcus but sometimes Dr. Haydock or Dr. Grayson)

HVHC/CRP - Third Tuesday of every month - 7pm @ Wagner Conference Room @ HVHC

Phelps - Third Wednesday of every month - 6pm for BLS, 7pm for ALS (Both can be applied to your ALS requirement as they are both overseen by Dr. Nigro)

WPHC/WCDES - Every Friday @ 9am at WCDES Dana Rd

Also, get out your CME sheets and have a MC-MD fill one out for each ALS call you do. You can get up 4 hours I believe and each is worth 0.25 credit.

As a stopgap measure, why not throw together a last minute mega audit of your own? Hold a 10-13 (you do need assistance right? :P) audit at a local place and invite the local EMS community. I'm sure you will get quite an attendance if you do 3-4 hours in a row. All you need is a friendly doc to do it for you. :)

Edited by WAS967

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