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Greenburgh- Perp Search 6-12-07

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Date: 6-12-07

Time: 1410

Location: Old Colony Road (OMD)


Units Operating: 50 (I/C),60,73,69,66,67,94, and multiple other Greenburgh PD Units, GPD Housing Unit

Description Of Incident: Report of male with violent history and warrants trying to gain access to a residence with a 16 y/o female inside. Prior history with owner of residence. Mother contacted GPD about situation. Perp is her son.

Writer: x635

1413: Perimiter being set up

1415: Negative clothing description, negative phone number to residence. Mother is awaiting ride to residence.

14:21 Car 73 (Police Officer-Paramedic Car) has perp collared @ 376 Old Colony Road, requesting a cage car. Car 66 enroute.

14:24: 50 (I/C) requesting a unit return to headquarters to pick up camera. Have a weapon and a possible burglary. Car 67 assigned.

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