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New Movie by Michael Moore "Sicko"

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I know that the mention of the name Michael Moore can spark long debates, discussion and arguments, but I feel the need to mention something about his upcoming movie called "Sicko".

While at work today, my female dispatch partner was watching Oprah on her TV at her console. I saw that Michael Moore was on her show and I decided to see what he was talking about. He was telling Oprah about how insurance companies are basically the biggest scam and that they do not care about anything except making a profit.

The part that struck me was when he showed a volunteer EMT from a NJ volunteer ambulance service who was in NYC on 9/11 and he rushed to the scene to help. He ended up along with many other volunteer EMS workers being at Ground Zero for several months. He now has all kinds of breathing problems from lung disease and our own government is refusing to help him, but at the same time the "Enemy Combatants" from the middle east who are being held in GITMO are getting the best care possible from our government.

I will go on record saying that I do not agree with many of the views of Michael Moore and I pretty much do not like him, but this stuff really hit home because this could happen to any of us. This movie has crossed party lines and is not slanted to any single political party.

As much as I dislike Michael Moore, I do plan on seeing this new movie.

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...the "Enemy Combatants" from the middle east who are being held in GITMO are getting the best care possible from our government.

I would hardly say they are getting the best care possible.

Edited by OoO

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I'm also looking foward to this new movie.

I have loved his previous films, I watched them with an open mind, and they are really pretty enlightening.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I feel he's given a bad rap for no good reason.

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I believe Michael Moore is best portrayed in Team America: World Police

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I believe Michael Moore is best portrayed in Team America: World Police

AMERICA @&%$ YEAH!!!! Couldn't agree more. I'll watch Michael Moore's movies when their made free rather than to line his pockets. If their so important then they shouldn't make a profit. Though I'll admit the insurance thing is a good topic to investigate. I might have to put on a wig and mask some night and go see it.

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I'm also looking foward to this new movie.

I have loved his previous films, I watched them with an open mind, and they are really pretty enlightening.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I feel he's given a bad rap for no good reason.


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I don't even know why we are giving this SOB the time of day anymore...

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I was never a fan of him at first, but if you look at everything he has said at first now, if we had listened we would be a much better country. If we all think in the box we might as all be drones, and just do whatever our government tells us. I agree with X635, he has been given a bad rep.

I understand he can be annoying, and obnoxious, but how could you not laugh when he was trying to get congress members and their sons to enlist in the army.

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If he's so great, how come Peter Griffin "out-did" him?!

I don't care for most of those in Hollywood and movieland. But I do enjoy watching things to try and see them thru others' eyes.

Ain't nothing wrong with a little awareness, even if you can't stomach the guy making it. Heck, I don't care for Al Gore, but I did like watching his stuff on global warming.

Edited by Remember585

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A few things:

1) The reason Michael Moore has a bad rap is because he intentionally takes things out of context and places them in his film in a way that is misleading (I believe this is why Matt Stone and Trey Parker blew him up in Team America, becuase by putting the animation in Bowling for Columbine right after the interview with one of them most people thought they did it). Supposedly this film is more of a true documentary.

2) I think that the thing about the "enemy combatants" getting better treatment was based off of a comment made by the Pentagon about how well the detainees were being treated.

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As soon as I'm done burning the American flag, I'll watch the new "documentary" by Michael Moore while singing the Venezuelan national anthem.

As someone else already said, if we the people need to know all this stuff, then let Al Gore and Michael Moore pay for the production costs themselves.

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I don't care for Mr. Moore myself.... But I recently lost my dad sad.gif and I can tell you that I saw some of this first hand and rest assured, the hospitals are no better.... I will probably see it at some point but I'm not sure if I'll pay to.....

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I like the women in the trailer who's ride in an ambulances was denied because it was not pre-approved.

Ya he is kinda annoying but he makes things "funny" so that you can bear watching it. i mean who really wants to sit down and watch a documentary on gun control and columbine? Sept 11? i will wait for it to come out and see it for a dollar.

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Hes a huge advocate of universal health care. Sounds great, but its got major problems. Aside from the enormous cost of a national program, you would have to wait months to see doctors and have procedures preformed.

That herniated disk my mother had fixed within a week of diagnosis, easily a six month wait in a universal system. Even things like chemotherapy or cancer surgeries have long wait times associated with them. I'm not one privy to living in pain or at the will of painkillers, i would much rather pay insurance and get quality and timely care than wait 6 months. Naturally, there needs to be a bit more oversight to cut allot of the BS when we submit bills.

As far as 9/11 is concerned, it's a sticky situation. My father was down there From Sept 12th 2001 until the cleanup was officially completed, he has had a hacking, almost smoker's like, cough ever since and that was WITH properly fitted respirator. He has been to a number of specialists with little avail. To the best of my knowledge, his insurance has covered these visits and any other associated costs (medications/treatments, etc.). Talking with family who are FDNY MOS, they have also been "taken care of" as far as any breathing related issues.

Neither my father nor my family members have demanded the government pay their medical bills, insurance premiums, or copays. Why should these individuals be any different?

As far as Gitmo. Frankly, i could care less if those things rotted away in their cages. But, we get enough crap for treating them better than we treat our homeless population or those below the poverty line. Imagine if we let them be relegated to what they truly deserve? We are damned if we do, damned if we don't. It's simply one of the sad complexities of the 21st Century.

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