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NYSP - Trooper Exam Open

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this question always bothers me...for the military part, maybe someone can help me out. i'm pretty sure i know the answer, but i'm having arguments with ppl (prior military) who say i'm wrong.

where it asks have you ever served full-time active duty...does that include reserves? i say no, right?

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Maybe I missed it, but has the exact date of the test been released or are they just saying 2008 right now?

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Maximum age of 30 can be extended up to six years for prior active military service.

Testing tentitively expected to be conducted over the course of about four weeks in March/April 2008.

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Good Job...wish I took it while I could have....

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Reserve counts while you are activated, I believe.

Trooper is the one LE job I would take. There is way too much risk and bullsh!t for too little reward in most other PD's. A question for all the finest out there. For those who qualify for the trooper test why wouldn't you or why didn't you take it. It seems like a no brainer from my side, but then again I spend alot of time breathing in smoke.

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ya, i hear ya party, but i guess you kinda answered your own question. alot of the city guys breathed in alot smoke for little pay..they just wanted the action and the work...i guess the same applies to the PD. they want the action, regardless of the pay, so they apply to city pds, rather than state police.

and also party, thanks for the answer about the reserves...just to clarify though, reserves only counts if you were activated (other than for training), correct?

thanks man!!!

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yeah, activated for combat duty. I'll see if I can get a better answer with some detail when I go back in.

I thought about the more work side of it, but the troopers look like they really offer access to all the action you could get in most tri-state pd's.

I wanted to say this before, but forgot to...Way to go NYSP in keeping your standards up there where you can ensure high quality candidates. Those are definitely more restrictive than any fire job.

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I'm not taking the exam... but I'm wondering: When you first get on with the NYSP, are you likely to be sent to a barracks way up in Adirondack State Park or something like that? Is there any consideration given to residency?

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I'm not taking the exam... but I'm wondering: When you first get on with the NYSP, are you likely to be sent to a barracks way up in Adirondack State Park or something like that?  Is there any consideration given to residency?

i remember back in the day (couple of years ago, haha), my platoon commander was a state trooper. he lived in queens, but when he got on the job for the NYSP, they put him up near Albany somewhere...not sure if they make you do it, or if they give you a break due to residency, but i know he got stuck moving up there and wasn't happy about something. and although I'm def. not knocking that job, he said he really doesn't get to do a whole lot (action wise). the pay was obviously great, but most of the work was in city's that already had their own PD to do all the work...sometimes, they'd get called in to maybe keep on eye on traffic or something...thats why i said in my earlier post, that its seems a lot of guys like joining city PD's for the action, regardless of the pay..just like A LOT of FD's. who knows...the pay's great, so i guess that'd be a motive...i don't think i will be taking the test either, but the deadline is so far away, who knows what will happen

and like party said...good job on keepin standards high, glad to know someone is out there!

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I'm not taking the exam... but I'm wondering: When you first get on with the NYSP, are you likely to be sent to a barracks way up in Adirondack State Park or something like that?  Is there any consideration given to residency?

When you graduate, you put in your wish list for your top three Troops. They make no promises, but, generally, Troops K and F, are very easy to get back to, while Troop L is not. If you want to get back to Long Island, it's generally about a 6 month-1 year wait. While waiting, you can work in Hawthorne or Somers so your able to commute.

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