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I'm Curious About Something?

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I must admit I am curious about something here on EMTBravo, if someone doesn’t really want to know the answer to a question, why bother even asking it?

Recently there was a topic that was apparently so important that it warranted a mass e-mail inviting members to read and reply to it. This thread was called “If We Don't Talk About It, Is It Not A Problem?” Apparently it was not about a problem, because when people started talking about it, the forum staff closed the thread and suppressed or deleted all the replies. Wow, now there is a way to foster free and open discussion. Even the edited post keeps the phrase: “We're curious to know something.” But apparently not curious enough to care about the answer unless it is the predetermined acceptable answer.

As the Seth can attest to, I have complained about things like this in the past, but usually via PM. I generally prefer the PM because in most cases I don’t think public complaining about the forums is all that productive. But this is one of the rare cases where I think we all need to get things out in the open; we do need to talk about it, so that it does not become a festering problem.

I’m not sure why anyone would tell there members not to post on these forums, although there is a minor concern that something a member posts could be misinterpreted as the opinion of the agency. Most of us here are grown up enough to know the difference. I too think the lurkers should participate, but for whatever reason they do not. Hopefully one day they will see a thread worth replying on, and make their first post, and hopefully that post will survive so others can read it. Why do people keep things to themselves, because far too often legitimate replies get lumped in with other peoples rule violations and inane comments, then a whole thread is closed for being hostile.

I realize that this is a privately owned and operated site. However falling back on the argument that it is my sandbox and I make the rules is the exact opposite of the concept that ended the post in question: “USE THIS FORUM AS A COMMUNICATIONS TOOL, THAT'S WHAT IT'S HERE FOR!!!” As mush as I enjoy posting here and I have actually learned a thing or two, I sometimes wonder if this really is the valuable communication tool it is supposed to be. I am sure that this thread will be closed or deleted, so not that many members will see it; I may even get suspended for this one, who knows. I do not regret making my personal opinion known.

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EMT BRAVO why were all the other threads from that topic erased?

Edited by efd184

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Why dont lurkers reply? Well, i for one have not been doing this for too long. I use these forums for learning, reading everything i can get my hands on. Sure i have opinions, but i feel i can learn more by listening than anything else.

Got 2 ears and only one mouth, cause listening is twice as important as speaking

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Why dont lurkers reply? Well, i for one have not been doing this for too long. I use these forums for learning, reading everything i can get my hands on. Sure i have opinions, but i feel i can learn more by listening than anything else.

Got 2 ears and only one mouth, cause listening is twice as important as speaking

Texanm, I like that= 2 ears and 1 mouth? VERY TRUE!!!!!

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I will actually reply to this one. I used to put some comments in here and there. I wasn't one of the mass posters on this forum, but I always read the posts. I have been an active member of the Port Chester Fire Department for 20+ years, going through the ranks and was captain of the ladder company 3 times. I also ran for Chief of the department. So you can say that I have a little experience.

I gave my honest opinion on a thread regarding member turnover and someone (un named) actually told me that he was disgusted to have me responding to his house. Also that I was a disgrace to the volunteer sector. Is this what I am to expect when I give my opinion???

Just to let you know what some of the problems might be........

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For me it seems that if a question is asked, it needs to be worded a certain way or else it ruffles the feathers of the department, chief, officer, etc. that the question is directed about.

I like to learn from other people's example.

I'm not into the volunteer vs. paid stuff fighting although I agree there is a place to question things about paid departments and volunteer departments.

I'm no expert about firefighting or ems, but I do have opinions and more importantly questions.

And when a question is asked, the person responding to the question should feel free to answer the questions without getting beat-up over their answer.

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I must admit I am curious about something here on EMTBravo, if someone doesn’t really want to know the answer to a question, why bother even asking it?

I'm curious.....if you are not satisfied with the way this forum is run, why are you still here? If you can do it better then me, which I get the impression you think you can, then feel free. I have made some mistakes in some recent emails, and I apologize, but apparently my messages are being misinterpeted-by some.

The other thread's replies were deleted, and the thread was locked, because people were trashing me using lies and rumors, no member really stood up or had my back, and honestly, it was depressing me. I'm going through an extremly tough time right now, and I don't need some ignorant,whiny malcontents bashing me, making up lies about the way this forum is run, and criticizing what they know nothing about. I want to feel good about running this board....I don't want it to stress me or cause me to get depressed. The FEW malcontents use these types of threads to bash me, and other members read it and get bad impressions, that are completly invalid. Rarely do I see threads from people who actually appreciate this forum and the hours upon hours of work that goes into it each day.

Also, I don't need the taunts of "this is going to get deleted", or "I'm going to get banned". What is the use of that?

Some people act so immature on this forum, and balancing all the personalities,conflicts,etc is extremly tough. All I'm trying to do is make the forum a constructive place, I have no alterior motive or agenda.

Also, some people have such huge egos, they can't handle even the littlest critcism, or they have such a closed mind they can't listen to anyone elses views or opinions if it opposes theirs without them getting upset. Those are the main charecterstics of the malcontents on this forum I've noticed. Or, they can't or don't know how to stand up for themselves, or debate. Or, they just like causing trouble.

Here are the forum rules:

If your post gets deleted, because YOU decided to make a negative comment or involve yourself in a conflict with a administrator, moderator, or especially another members, and you fail to contact me with your concerns, THEN IT IS YOUR FAULT YOUR POSTS GET DELETED!

I will work tommorow to address some of the concerns, lies, and rumors addressed in this thread.

I ALWAYS HAVE and ALWAYS WILL communicate with the members!

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Seth, you need to relax. You're trying to fight against human nature. I would have thought you'd be a little more use to this attitude by now. Look at the career most of us have chosen.

Police, definately not the most popular kids on the block. In the hood they're racists who pick on on minorities and in the suburbs they're a$$holes wih nothing better to do than harrass the citizens.

Fire, everyone loves us till their neighbor's place burns or we stop traffic. We're thieves and animals who kick down doors and tear out celings just for kicks. And god forbid someone dies because they tried to fight the fire before calling us. Now we're slow, lazy, and just don't care.

EMS, good for a taxi and not much else. Emergency services 2nd class citizen.

And all of us are heroes until we want a livable wage or new equipment. Then we become over coddled children who just want more money to sit around and new toys to play with.

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I love you Partyrock!!!!!!

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For the majority, your doing a great job and have provided a fantastic website.

You can't please all of the people at any time.

Do with this site what you want to do and if a small group don't like it, they can go to another website.

Keep up the good work!

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I'm curious.....if you are not satisfied with the way this forum is run, why are you still here? If you can do it better then me, which I get the impression you think you can, then feel free. I have made some mistakes in some recent emails, and I apologize, but apparently my messages are being misinterpeted-by some.

The other thread's replies were deleted, and the thread was locked, because people were trashing me using lies and rumors, no member really stood up or had my back, and honestly, it was depressing me. I'm going through an extremly tough time right now, and I don't need some ignorant,whiny malcontents bashing me, making up lies about the way this forum is run, and criticizing what they know nothing about. I want to feel good about running this board....I don't want it to stress me or cause me to get depressed. The FEW malcontents use these types of threads to bash me, and other members read it and get bad impressions, that are completly invalid. Rarely do I see threads from people who actually appreciate this forum and the hours upon hours of work that goes into it each day.

Also, I don't need the taunts of "this is going to get deleted", or "I'm going to get banned". What is the use of that?

Some people act  so immature on this forum, and balancing all the personalities,conflicts,etc is extremly tough. All I'm trying to do is make the forum a constructive place, I have no alterior motive or agenda.

Also, some people have such huge egos, they can't handle even the littlest critcism, or they have such a closed mind they can't listen to anyone elses views or opinions if it opposes theirs without them getting upset. Those are the main charecterstics of the malcontents on this forum I've noticed.  Or, they can't or don't know how to stand up for themselves, or debate. Or, they just like causing trouble. 

Here are the forum rules:

If your post gets deleted, because YOU decided to make a negative comment or involve yourself in a conflict with a administrator, moderator, or especially another members, and you fail to contact me with your concerns, THEN IT IS YOUR FAULT  YOUR POSTS GET DELETED!

I will work tommorow to address some of the concerns, lies, and rumors addressed in this thread.

I ALWAYS HAVE and ALWAYS WILL communicate with the members!

Seth, as much as I have your back on some things, you have to realize, what we all do here is pretty much human nature. No one's perfect, so some people are going to have their posts deleted. But if they were brought up mean, become members of here and start bashing it's just their personality shining through onto here.

Just my $.02


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This site is one of the most usefull Info Exchange sites around. Thanks for running a great site.

To the members of EMT Bravo,

Not all of you but some need to grow up. Use this site as a resource. I feel like I can come on here and ask about anything and i will get a response to it. And in most cases learn from the response. We are all in the same boat, paid or vol. we all provide a service and we all would like to do it better. None of us are perfect nor do any of us know everything there is to know about fire or police or ems. Theres always something to learn.

Use this site as a tool. If something is worth debating....go for it, just don't get personal.

my opinion

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It's not hard to sit back and rattle off postulates of discontent. It is, however, fare more difficult to do the same with the positive.

I think what makes this forum so difficult to run is the fact that your damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you make pro career comments you piss off the vollies, if you make pro volunteer comments you piss off the career guys. Things just snowball from there because everyone has allot of pride (which inst a bad thing mind you). Mind you, the issues discussed here are also often very complicated in nature. If someone doesn't like the website, then don't visit it. If you do, then understand the dynamics of what your involved in.

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You have to grow thick skin, the way you talk you think many of us know you personal, which is not true many of us just know you from here, and really dont care what people post about you. I for one dont care if its a truth or lie. No way for us to prove either way since we dont know you. So just let it slide. I know you didnt make this site to get a pat on your back, the same way you didnt become a firefighter to get a pat on the back. You know you have a good site here, your going to get alot more BS then you will get a pat on the back so dont worry about it, dont matter who wants to post or who doesnt want too.

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People out there have thin skin. TL 2 brings up a good point. Anything you say can, and probably will be used against you. You make a comment that is constructive criticism, and BOOM someone gets all bent out of shape. Those who attack you personally for something you typed on here really need to get a grip. I've noticed in my tenure here that people may not say how they really feel for fear it will either start a war, or one of the moderators will take offense and there goes the post. I've had to deal with this a lot for things I have said on other boards. So now, I watch what I say, or don't say anything. And, it's sad. Luckily, I haven't caught any crap for something I said in here other than once.

Edited by JBE

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I think that this is a great site and thank Seth for it. Keep up the good work. We should all voice my opinions but never get personal. There are always two sides of the coin. As with everything, you always will have a few a$$holes.

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Anything you say can, and probably will be used against you. You make a comment that is constructive criticism, and BOOM someone gets all bent out of shape.

Some people just need to CHILL! cool.gif Unfortunatly we have people on here who are easily offended (not saying any names) and we need to learn HOW can we improve, whether it be through training, proby school, the police academy, EMS workshops, etc.WHAT I AM GETTING AT IS THAT WE AS A WHOLE NEED TO IMPROVE OUR BEHAIVOR ON HERE. We have to learn it through other advice from other members, or constructive criticism, which can be misinterpreted and the next thing you know, your account is suspended.

Some more of my $.02


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Seth, you need to relax.  You're trying to fight against human nature.  I would have thought you'd be a little more use to this attitude by now.  Look at the career most of us have chosen. 

Police, definately not the most popular kids on the block.  In the hood they're racists who pick on on minorities and in the suburbs they're a$$holes wih nothing better to do than harrass the citizens.

Fire, everyone loves us till their neighbor's place burns or we stop traffic.  We're thieves and animals who kick down doors and tear out celings just for kicks.  And god forbid someone dies because they tried to fight the fire before calling us.  Now we're slow, lazy, and just don't care.

EMS, good for a taxi and not much else.  Emergency services 2nd class citizen.

And all of us are heroes until we want a livable wage or new equipment.  Then we become over coddled children who just want more money to sit around and new toys to play with.

I for 1 really enjoy this site, I have learned alot, I've never said it before but I should, excellent job Thank u!!!!!

I love the way u worded that just plain awesome!!!!!! partyrock ur a funny dude lmao

Edited by mlfcemt093

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seth here is my motto:

You Have The Right To Remain Stupid, Anything You Say Can And Will Be Ingored.

this forum has allowed me to make new friends and learn alott form the wealth of experience on this forum. I hope whatever is bothering you in your personal life gets resolved soon! in the mean time just relax.


Edited by sr71

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My post was not about being dissatisfied, it was about being curious. I had a question, which I asked. Other members also asked the same question. So I guess it was at the very least as legitimate as any other question asked on the forums. My post was not meant as a personal attack or taunt against any individual. If it was taken that way, then that was the misinterpretation here. My statement about this thread getting locked or deleted was very pertinent to the discussion at hand and not meant as any kind of open challenge to anyone.

I have never said I could run this site at all, better or worse than it is currently run. I have complimented the Moderators before, in other threads. I have also, as you invited, contacted you with concerns, and occasionally made suggestions. As with every member here has the right to do with every post here, you are free to utilize or disregard my suggestions as you see fit. I had thought that offering each other proposed solutions to issues was one of the hallmarks of this site, I will stop.

I do not believe my post was ignorant, contained “lies” or “complete fabrications” and I certainly tried not to make it sound whiny. We all need to relax and have a thicker skin at times, because there will be posts that we disagree with. We should all strive to be civil in the debates we have online, and not tell each other what we think they are full of.

As the replies to this thread show, there are a great deal of members who “have your back”. Maybe if the other thread had been left up, they would have posted in that one first. The long get well thread shows that we are aware of your situation and wish you a speedy recovery. I have rarely if ever seen a post on here that is 100% negative about EMTBravo.

Many of the other replies to this thread have said the same as anything else I could add. Some of my fellow members have even said it better than I could. So in the name of not being a malcontent with a huge ego, I will end this reply here.

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Basically, if you say the slightest thing that can cause controversy, then your post gets deleted, even if what you said was in the best of intentions or completely innocuous. But then, doesn't that defeat the purpose of a message board? Isn't the purpose to raise issues that must be discussed so as to create change in our respective services? Personally, as long as you don't attack a member of the board for being a member of a certain department or arbitrarily attack a certain department just because you want something to post, then I don't see what the big deal is, anyway. We must all play well in the sand box, but if part of playing well is to speak up about pressing issues, then so be it.

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I don't think the controversial issues get deleted. I think the negative and the "bashing" ones get the boot.

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One way of getting around the problem of negative and bashing posts is to have a section on the boards just for that.

Let the s*** fly, I say.

If you post in that section, expect to have s*** thrown back at you.

If you dont want to read s*** someone else is saying about you, don't read that section of the board.

I have seen this approach used on some other boards, and beleive it or not, it works.

With that said, I do enjoy reading this board. I like knowing what others think. I like expresing what I think.

Remember, opinions are like a*******, everyone has got one, and they all stink.

And, I do think people need to get thicker skins.

Flame on.



My foul language got automatically ******.

(end edit)

Edited by Sqd47

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