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Manhattan- Fire In Eyewitness News Studio 5-27-07

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Date: 5-27-07


Location: 7 West 66th Street


Units Operating: (Unkown ATT) Division 3 I/C

Description Of Incident: Reported overhead light blew in Eyewitness News studio during 11PM newscast. Newscast went off air abruptly, as the ABC Channel 7 building was evacuated. Fast moving fire caused significant fire, smoke, and water damage to news set and equipment.

Writer: x635

2312: First due engine & truck on scene with heavy smoke condition in building

2314: FDNY company reporting heavy fire in main news studio, 1 L/S/O, DWH.

0000: CO Levels in Bldng. @ 400PPM

0200: ABC 7 back on air with West Coast feed. Numerous ABC & Channel 7 engineers working to secure A/C is causing further damage to broadcast equipment. Private company cleanup crews have already started fire damage cleanup, and heavy smoke smell lingers entire building.

0600: ABC 7 Eyewitness news back on air. Using newsroom as studio.

S/C's: 2 additional trucks, Hi-Rise unit (E-3)

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