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New WMC ER-Very Disapponting

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I saw the new WMC ED for the first time yesterday, and was extremly dissapointed.

One of the first things I noticed, was that the EMS report writing area/office, which appeared pretty nice has already been converted into some other staffs office. The sign was covered up. WTF is the deal with that? That annoyed me....

The second thing......this ER is no bigger. Same size as the old ED, maybe even a little smaller. The layout stinks, theres no ryme or reason to the flow......the hallways are narrow, crowded, and windy, with tons of doors to have to get a stretcher through. You have to go to twenty diffent places to accomplish one task. Also, all ambulance transports now have to trek through the ED to get anyplace else in the hospital. Trauma bays are right there, though.

The ambulance bay....prbaly going to be very tight when it gets busy, very small as well.

It doesn't even look attractive IMO.

So much for a modern, progressive ED.

Just my .03 cents.

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How about security....when their are no patients in the trauma rooms (the trauma ER is isolated) their is no staff in that area period including security officers. The doors are wide open for anybody to enter.

x635...I saw that cheesy computer printed sign over the "EMS Room" sign....what a joke.

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Talked to one one of the ER docts from there and he agrees that It needs some work. Halls are narrow and when there are patients on beds stacked up in the halls, it makes movement difficult. My first experience witjh the new ER was bringing in a trauma patient. It is kind of surreal to have all of the staff congregating in the main ER with the trauma ER feeling like a ghost town once the patient has been assessed and taken care of. One person of unknown origin walked up to me and aksed me where the waiting room was. I told him I have no idea since this was my first time here (after opening) and he proceeded to walk through the trauma area unimpeded. I like the old ER in that it had slop/scrub sinks in the hallways outside of the trauma rooms. Now if you want to clean up or wash your hands you either need to intrude into a trauma room or hope nobody is tying up the one bathroon in the hallway there.

Initial impressions: The architect should be shot.

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And with the way things have been going there we should expect any different? They are lucky they spent the money to do anything at all. Before we know it, there will only be Jacobi and Albany Med. I know that nationally all Regional Trauma Centers are feeling the heat because of the nature of the Trauma business. But how in the hell you continuously have the same amount or more debt every year in BS. There has to be somethign more going on here. Instead of cutting staff and paying consultant fees, hey top guns, lower your friggin salaries because your not doing your job effectively! and you have nothing to do with patient care other then screwing it up by cutting jobs.

As far as some of the other issues in regards to things that would make our lives a bit more easier around there, doesn't surprise me either. Partly we have ourselves to blame and some other things they should have asked for some input but then again that just wouldn't be Westchester.

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In reference to the Security...

On one of my recent trips to the WMC ER, the crew I was with all thought it was funny that the white-haired security guard was so deep asleep he never heard us walk in.

I haven't seen the new ER - but from what I hear it isn't that exciting. From Personal case history - I hate the place. I actually had to SHARE my bed with a guy having an asthma attack. Not cool! If I need trauma care, take me to the morgue and call it a day. If it's medical care I need - call Dr. Mom.

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Well CO poisoning of a questionable nature is a bit a less priority then asthma 585. lol. I had to bro.....

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Baloney......should of had a penthouse sweet. Not to mention this dude was NASTY looking and was using a nebulizer to boot.

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I hate the new ER you can walk around for a while before anyone even comes up to you ans askes a question.

ANd has anyone been there in the past few days?

Nice board in the storage room.

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