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Hostile Posts (Don't Make Them!)

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Let me make something clear. Hostile or negative posts will NOT be tolerated on this forum.

This forum is here so that the regional Emergency Services personel have an online COMMUNITY to discuss issues, share ideas, make contacts, share information, and so much more.

There is NO reason for egos, or hostility. Put them aside when logging on. There's no reason to make any thread into a battle or to flame other members, departments, or people. If that's what you're looking for, then find another forum. Threads will get heated, but members are reminded to be respectful to one another, even if they disagree. Our members come from different backgrounds, experiences, etc. There will be people who disagree with you...acknowledge that, and try to respond in a persuasive, respectful manner.

Please keep all posts positive and constructive. One liners meant or with the impression it is to incite a conflict will not be tolerated, please make your posts of substance. Negativity or bashing of any person or department will not be tolerated, and can lead to revoking of posting privledges.

Don't forget the "Suggest Post Deletion" button, our moderators can't keep up with every thread all the time. Due to that, we rely on our members to keep this forum, again, positive and constructive.

Thanks for your cooperation.


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What Hostile Post?? I have posted nothing, please explain.

David Weimer

Maybrook, NY

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He's talking to the membership in general. Just don't make any stupid, ignorant, inflammatory comments that will just ruffle people's feathers and make threads drop like led zeppelins. Were here to learn from each other, first and foremost.

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Most of the aforementioned posts are removed before the majority of the members even see them.

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The staff & moderators do a very good job at catching these posts before allot of us see them. This is why I simply don’t understand threads (and the resulting e-mails) like these. There are thousands of members on this site, not all of whom post, but I would bet that the majority of us have never posted anything hostile in our time here. Getting this mornings e-mail reminding me not to commit an offense that I have never committed is insulting. If there is a problem, deal with it, trust me no one but the offender will have a problem with it. Those of us who are intent on keeping this an on-line community don’t need to be constantly told how bad it is, because it really isn’t that bad at all.

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.............. don’t need to be constantly told how bad it is, because it really isn’t that bad at all.

And that's because of the work of us that moderate this forum. I'm sorry if you're insulted, but is was sent as an email to all members, not just you. As Truck4 mentioned, there are posts and threads and other goings on that we deal with that are quickly removed that you don't see. There have been several recent incidents where members have been making hostile posts or attempting to incite a conflict. We do contact the member who makes the post, and usually we get an insulting, nasty message back. We occasionally send out a reminders like this one because it's hard and time consuming to seperate the good and the bad. We also do this to reiterate with the membership (in an inviting way) that we're not going tolerate activity such as that found on other forums. Verified Membership has cut down on these types of posts greatly, but there are still some.

As we're constantly criticized by SOME, I'll continue to do what I think/feel is best to keep this forum going in the right direction, and regret (and find frusterating) that I can't please everyone all the time.

What Hostile Post?? I have posted nothing, please explain.

David Weimer

Maybrook, NY

It was a blanket email to ALL members.

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