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Port Chester EMS New Fleet Additions

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Word has it that Port Chester EMS has taken delivery of two new Ford E-450's/Braun Express to replace their two Ford E-450/AEV's. The designations will be 77-A-19 and 77-A-20. (Port Chester numbers their ambulances in the order which they were recieved-therefore, 20 is the 20th ambulance they have had).

They have also taken delivery of a new Ford Explorer or Expedition which I believe is at Specialty Warning Systems in Danbury getting done up as a flycar.

Hopefully, x901 will remember he has a camera, dust it off, and get us some pics of these new deliveries!

And I'm saying Port Chester just for short, they actually cover Port Chester, Rye, and Rye Brook.

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Longest name in Westchester!!!! PCRRBVAC or is it Mohegan?????

Anyways, I would like it if x901 could take some pictures and one day get around to posting them. You know, if he isn't too busy!

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When i get around to it.......

and its PCRRB*EMS.... no VAC

Edited by x901

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  Oswegowind said:
Longest name in Westchester!!!!  PCRRBVAC or is it Mohegan?????

I think you can look in your own backyard. Cortlandt Community Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

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Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association Volunteer Ambulance Corps (MVFA-VAC), i'm out of breath!

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Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association Volunteer Ambulance Corps (MVFA-VAC)

Port Chester Rye Rye Brook Emergency Medical Services (PCRRB*EMS)

Cortlandt Community Volunteer Ambulance Corps (CCVAC)

Looks like Mohegan wins the prize...unless:

Croton Fire District and Unincorporated Hamlets of Southern Cortlandt Volunteer Ambulance Corps....becomes their official name.

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They can use, only if they write it out in full on the side of the bus. Personally I'd like to see the lettering shrink and turn south as it gets to the edge of the box. Bring it back to grade school

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they have like 3 volunteers lol. Their rigs are all labeled PCRRB*EMS...

i've seen state certificates that list two names like xxx vac with xxx ems underneath, maybe they own the name pcrrbvac and pcrrb ems?

Edited by 66Alpha1

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1, 10, or 100 Volunteers the LEGAL name is:

Port Chester Rye Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc.

If they want to drop the VAC and add EMS that

fine but LEGALLY you must obtain a DBA thru the

County Clerks Office then amend the NYS DOH license to add EMS.

(as seen below)

Mamaroneck Village Ambulance Squad, Inc. d.b.a.

Mamaroneck Emergency Medical Services

Starnet Emergency Services, Inc. d.b.a.

Westchester EMS

TC Hudson Valley Ambulance Corp. d.b.a.

Mid-Hudson Valley Ambulance Service

That is the point I am trying to drive home to the VAC's

that change the name to EMS. You need to obtain a D.B.A.

It cost $35.00

Sorry to be a lil off topic here.

GOOD LUCK WITH THE NEW FLEET!!!!!! biggrin.gif

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