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EMS Safety Officer

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Can anyone help me out I am looking for guidelines for an EMS Safety Officer.


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It is not easy to find specific guidelines. I am the safety officer in Harrison EMS. A lot of people think it is just blood borne pathogen stuff. But it is not. One book I used was GUIDE TO MANAGING AN EMERGENCY SERVICE INFECTION CONTROL PROGRAM by the US Fire Administration of 2002. You can also go to the dept of labor OSHA website. Most of that involves interpretation. There are not really specifics on a lot of things, when you are a non-municipal agency. That should keep you busy for a while. Anything else let me know....

Edited by DOC22

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You can always try google. Somewhere out there someone has to have a policy or job title for EMS safety officer. I know for some agencies they are known as compliance officers to ensure the station and members are OSHA compliant and up to snuff with training and practices in the field. Search engines are an easy way to get policies so you don't have to re invent the wheel.

If all else fails take a look at the fire service safety officer stuff. This will probably help a bit operationally. Also NFPA standards somewhere in a few probably address this as well.

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