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robert benz

FD vs. PD Closing The Road

31 posts in this topic

ok officer,  i have plenty of friends who are cops  and i respect your job  i dont want it!!!  how would you feel if i came on the scene and started yelling at you to move your police car cus i didnt like where you parked it. i dont tell you how to do your job, i just have an obligation to my crew and my self to get everyone home in one piece  and the safest way to do that is to block a lane if i need it. 

i am not talking about an officer who calmly asks how much longer till i can get the road open  i am talking about a full fledged screaming match

one other point i want to make, as this was mentioned somewhere in this whole thread  we dont take our apparatus off road onto soft shoulders just so a car can get by, we keep the rubber on the road. i have seen too many apparatus get stuck in the mud to ever advise my drivers to get onto the soft shoulder. 

like i said earlier it isnt ALL PD  but dont you guys want to go home after every shift too?

once again, thats a few cops that scream. i have never had to yell at anyone to move anything, a simple ask is all ive ever needed. being a firefighter also i know both sides of the coin. i guess cops who dont do both may not understand the need of fd to shut down stuff. Ill shut down any road anytime if its required, but sometimes its not so we can open up some lanes. But my preference is close it completely, a two lane highway with FD operating in the right lane should not have traffic flowing in the left lane, i dont care how many flares you have out or how many lights you have on, youll always have some #@$## fly by! so close it all! and yes, i want EVERYONE to go home! what kind of world is this that cops have to lock up firefighters??? it sounds like in those situations (which are far and few between) there were two people with similar rock heads who wouldnt budge! but all in all, i think the majority of fd's and pd's work well together! And with a little bit of effort from us all we can continue and make the relationship better!

stay safe!

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