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Tazers / Stun Guns

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I've been looking at stun guns online as they are compact and extraordinarily effective self defense weapons and was stopped in my tracks to find that they are prohibited in the New York State Penal Code [section 265.01] and possesion of one is a class A misdemeanor.

While I unerstand how it could be dangerous in the wrong hands I have to wonder if one would be able to carry one with a permit [similar to a carry/conceal permit for a pistol]. It certainly would be counterintuitive to think that albany outlaws a device which [usually] merely temporaraly incapacitates someone in place of the alternative which routinely kills.

Also not mentioned is what provision exist for law enforcement personell to carry them. Is it covered by the same regulations which enable an officer to carry a pistol?

Anyone who can enlighten me, please do tell.

Sersiously, I carry a LP-12 which packs WAAAAAY more of an electric punch than the 9V battery used in the latest tazer. I'm frankly annoyed at this piece of legislation!

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True, but whats the range of a lifepack and How big is the pocket you plan on concealing it in?

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and what happens when the cop on scene sees you with a gun-thing in your pocket?


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Stun guns keeps you in too close proximity to the person. The best first defense is limiting your exposure to such. Second is if you are suddenly in a severe risk, is putting distance between yourself and the threat. If it is a gun situation...second step definately applies unless you are close and then get control of the gun/trigger or bolt if you are able to egress rapidly.

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Well, the officers at the police dept I dispatch for carry tasers. I know in order to be qualified to carry one, you must be tased (they tape the probes to you). Also for them to carry pepper spray, they must be sprayed with it to see what it's like to try to do your duties while disoriented (if you spray it, not only the suspect gets it, so do your fellow officers). So if you feel like going for a 50,000 volt ride, be my guest. But on a side note, they teach you in EMT class scene safe(ty) and to keep a way out just in case things go to sh*t. Tasing someone seems a bit out of your scope of duties as an EMT.

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Well, the officers at the police dept I dispatch for carry tasers. I know in order to be qualified to carry one, you must be tased (they tape the probes to you). Also for them to carry pepper spray, they must be sprayed with it to see what it's like to try to do your duties while disoriented (if you spray it, not only the suspect gets it, so do your fellow officers). So if you feel like going for a 50,000 volt ride, be my guest. But on a side note, they teach you in EMT class scene safe(ty) and to keep a way out just in case things go to sh*t. Tasing someone seems a bit out of your scope of duties as an EMT.

I really don't understand that retarded concept. We don't get shot with a gun before we carry it, so why would you have to be tazed or sprayed before being able to carry the Tazer or OC?blink.gif

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cause its f-ing hillarious to watch.

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Well, the officers at the police dept I dispatch for carry tasers. I know in order to be qualified to carry one, you must be tased (they tape the probes to you). Also for them to carry pepper spray, they must be sprayed with it to see what it's like to try to do your duties while disoriented (if you spray it, not only the suspect gets it, so do your fellow officers). So if you feel like going for a 50,000 volt ride, be my guest. But on a side note, they teach you in EMT class scene safe(ty) and to keep a way out just in case things go to sh*t. Tasing someone seems a bit out of your scope of duties as an EMT.

It is f-ing hilarious to watch but it still a ridiculous notion that in order to use a device you first have to be a victim of it. Just wait until someone uses the pepper spray - you'll experience it just fine cause it doesn't discriminate and the usually overzealous sprayer doesn't let up until the can is empty!!! blink.gif

As 20y2 said, we don't have to get shot to carry guns!

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Chris...isn't it always usually in a room the size of a bathroom? lol.

While I also can side with those making the you don't get shot in order to carry a gun, I was always told the reason why you get the device is in order to understand how it feels and that is "supposed" to limit your possiblity of wanting to use it excessively. I've been hit with CS, Mace and OC. CS I got used to from the military, MACE, it sucks, but I handle that well. OC sucked royally for my physiology. I'm sure I wouldn't like to have to get tazed in order to carry one either.

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