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Boy presented Civilian Recognition Award

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I hope this helps guide this young man to a good life in emergency service's

Boy presented Civilian Recognition Award for saving his mother

Christopher and mom, Vikki Torres, listen

as Carl Amaditz, Orange County's deputy

commissioner of Emergency Services

presents the youngster with the award. 

Goshen – Christopher Torres of Middletown thinks nothing of it. His mom, Vikki Torres, 36, is a diabetic and has needed emergency aid several times. Christopher just picks up the phone and dials 911. The dispatchers have come to know the gutsy youngster and have sent emergency aid to his mother whenever he calls.

He was rewarded for his efforts by the Orange County Department of Emergency Services with the Civilian Recognition Award on Friday.

Making the emergency calls for his mother was nothing, “because I’m five,” he proclaimed.

While his mom was teary eyed as her son was handed a plaque, he was more excited about the toy ambulance the county Division of Emergency Services presented to him. The department also gave Christopher a new TV and DVDs for his bedroom.

Other awards were also handed out, including the Commissioner’s Award to dispatcher Melissa Alterio; the Public Safety Dispatcher of the Year Award to dispatcher Deborah Moretto; Public Safety Dispatch Supervisor of the Year to Supervisor Jennifer Robles; and Special Recognition Award to William McLean, Jr.


HEAR today's news on, the Hudson Valley's only Internet radio news report.

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